Moving On - Chapter 3 - Denial

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Author's Note - 

This part of the story picks up about three months after the ending of the last chapter. Most of that story would not, in itself, be worth the telling; however, I may, at some point, include it. That being said, I am proud to say I have found my muse and I must write again. Please continue enjoying and reading my writing, and have the most excellent of Days.

In another not-so-distant corner of the world, it was a bright Autumn morning, one that shone upon the little neighborhoods of Mossy Hills and the surrounding countryside. As the day awoke, so did the men and women and children of the little town, opening their homes and businesses for another day. In one of these houses lived a young mother named Clarine, and her two young children -- a young girl named Nina, and a slightly older son named Colin. Her pride and joy.

She was getting them ready for school as this autumn morning dawned upon them. Now that the school year had begun, the dawn had become indicative of their daily routine. Every day, Clarine got up, made breakfast, got out her son's daily medication, took her own, and ascertained that her two beautiful children were ready for school. She would then patiently wait for the public school bus to arrive at the pickup point, at the corner of two streets directly adjacent to her home.

As she proudly stood up and patted her children towards the bus, she felt a sudden tightness in her chest. She coughed suddenly, convulsing and vomiting on the ground in front of her. Horror-stricken, she fell on the ground, overcome with sudden weakness and totally confused.

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