Chapter 2

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Skylin's P.O.V

The evening air is bitter and nips at the bare skin on my arms. It's just starting to warm up, and I'm hoping it won't be to hot today

"I wonder how hot it's going to be today Domi." I say and pet his neck.

He whinnies in reply and I smile.

"Hopefully it's not to hot, huh boy?" I pet his neck again then sit up straight and look around.

Living on the countryside is so much nicer then in the city. You feel so free and feel like no one can touch you.
I click to Domi and he speeds up into a trot. After a few beats of his trot I click again and he gracefully transitions into a smooth canter.

"Good boy Domi." I praise him as we get nearer and nearer to the farmers market.
Once we get to the farmers market I slow Domi back down to a walk. Domi and I come around here often so some of the shop owners know us.

"Good evening there Sky! How's your day been?" An older lady smiles up at me and stop in front of her stand.

"Oh it's been pretty good. Just came down here to pick up some fresh cherries. Do you know any good shops?" I ask her and smile warmly.

"Oh yeah. There is a new shop just around that bend up there." She points in the direction of the shop. "I heard that the lady has lots of really good homegrown fruits."

"Really? Cool!! Thanks Dolorous!" I wave and click to Domi. He starts walking and I look around.

"Anytime dear." Dolorous calls from behind.

There aren't many people here, so it's easy for Domi to walk around. We come here often so it's not the people that spook him, it's mostly the noise that spooks him. Following Dolorous's directions I end up right in front of the new shop. It has a nicely colored sign that has a whole bunch of bright fruits on it. I smile as Domi and I walk up to it. I stop about 3 feet in front of the small shop and dismount Domi. I grab his reins and he follows right behind me.

"Hello there young lady, how may I-" The lady at the shop starts but once she sees Domi, stops mid sentence.

"Oh hello there miss." I smile and wave as we come and stand in front of the stand. Domi nickers softly and sniffs an apple. "Haha, want an apple bud? I'll get you a treat too, don't worry." I pat his neck and turn back to the lady.

"Wow oh wow. That's a pretty horse you've got there dear. I'm Aubrey, me and my husband just got back from a big trip in Hawaii, and oh how I've missed this place." The lady, Aubrey, greets and smiles.

"Why thank you. This is Domi, and I'm Skylin. It's nice to meet you Aubrey." I smile back and Domi neighs.

"Haha, he is such a beauty. My son absolutely loves horses, though he'd never admit it out loud." She laughs and I giggle a bit too.

"Why hide such an amazing thing? Haha, I actually live on a horse farm not far from here. I ride almost everyday and show in various different things." I explain and Aubrey listens in awe.

"Really? Oh what is the name of the barn? I might talk with my son about it, he just doesn't want anyone from school to know about it. He's so weird that way." She shakes her head and I nod.

"Some teenagers can just be stubborn." She and I both laugh. "Oh and it's called, Fantasy Crest Stables. We have private lessons as well, they cost a bit more but are one on one with rider and trainer." I tell her and smile with pride.

"Oh that would be perfect for him! Anyway, enough about that, what can I do ya for?" She smiles and shows me all the different fruits she has.

"Haha, actually I came for some cherries. And I guess an apple as well." I look at Domi and his eyes sparkle.

"Ah of course. Well here, have the apple on the house. Horsey special." She grabs an apple and hands it to me.

"Are you sure? I can pay for the apple as well." I take the apple and she shakes her head.

"No, no. You can have the apple for free. And I presume one pound of cherries will be needed?" She starts grabbing cherries and weighing them.

"Okay, thank you. And yes, one pound of cherries." I smile, and hold out the apple for Domi. He bites into it and finishes it within two bites.

"Okay, for one pound of cherries that will be, 5 dollars please." She wraps the cherries and hands them to me.

I take out the money mom gave to me and hand Aubrey her money. "Thanks so much, for the apple, and the cherries."

"Oh it was no problem dear! It was an absolute pleasure to meet you and Domi. I hope to see you again soon!" She waves and I mount Domi.

"Oh you sure will, Aubrey. It was nice meeting you too. Bye! And thanks again." I wave and we start our trek back home.

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