Chapter 1~Life as it is

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Stampy's POV
I'm ready. At least I think I am. My hands shook as I texted Sqaishey, for this was a big change in my life.
😸~ Hey Ducky! Can you talk for a second?
🐥~Yeah sure Kittycake. I got time. I'm just editing feather adventures.
😸~Will you come over?
🐥~Well I can in about three days...why?
😸~I want to adopt a child and I want you to help me as a friend.
🐥~😱 OMG are you sure Kittycake? Kids take a lot of responsibility!
😸~I should know I'm always around one!
🐥~Okay I walked into that one. But seriously, are you sure?
😸~I'm gonna have to face it sooner it later in my life, might as well be now when I feel confident.
🐥~Okay then. I'll be over in three days, in Saturday around 6:00 am. We can go then after breakfast.
😸~Why so early 😫
🐥~I'll bring cake.
😸~Count me in!!! Nom nom!
I laugh as I put my phone down, feeling my stomach do cartwheels when she replied "lol." I love making her laugh. Hopefully I can work up enough courage to tell her that.
-Time Skip brought to you by Spongebob Narrator-
*3 days lata*
We arrived at the run down building that held one of my future children. I started to shake. Sqaishey put a hand on my shoulder, calming me down enough to start the video.
"Helloooo this is Stampy, and welcome to another Vlog!" I rub the back of my head getting more nervous by the second. Sqaishey took the camera out of my hand and started talking which made me feel grateful to have a best friend like her.
"Hey guys it meeeeee!" She giggles. "Today, we are adding a new family member to the Magic Animal Club family, as well as Stampy's family. "
I reached for the camera to explain, because I might as well do it, I'm not putting Sqaishey up to all if the dirty work.
"Basically, I'm adopting a child, because I just feel that it's time, and Sqaishey is just here to calm my nerves, because to be absolutely honest, my stomach is doing a whole circus all at once. " I said.
"So we'll see you when we decide!BAIII!"
We walked inside to see all of the hopeful little kids faces inside. I don't know how people do this! I wasn't going to adopt anything and now I want to adopt them all!!
All of the kids were silent, except for this one girl in the corner with a MAC shirt on. I poked Stampy shoulder and directed his attention to her. She had auburn hair, and brown eyes. I could hear her singing something but I couldn't hear what until I was really close to her.
Say hey what a beautiful day
Say hey what a beautiful day
With a smile on your face-
She was singing one of my songs. My songs.
My songs weren't particularly good, so I was a bit surprised to hear her sing that. I started to sing to her when the verses came back, when she yanked out her earbuds and looked at me.
"Kids! Get your bottoms down here! It's adoption day!" I take a deep sigh. Adoption day. Where one kid goes to a new home happy, where the others cry themselves to sleep every night.
I get off of my stiff bed, looking at myself through the vanity.
"Nobody wants to adopt a thirteen year old, especially one that's that ugly." Sadie says. I roll my eyes. She's only six and she still has the nerve to call me ugly and immature. But she's right about one thing. Nobody likes adopting a teen.
I smile weakly at my reflection, taming my mountainous hair. I leave my hair down, I could care less about what it looks like and whoever wants to be my parent will learn to like that. I take a deep breathe. I decide to not put on nice clothing because what's the point if I'm not going to get adopted anyway?
I go to my drawer and get a magic animal club shirt that I bought (with about a months work in the kitchen) and just some random shorts.
Stampy was my hero. He literally convinced me not to commit suicide when I discovered him about a year ago.
I put my iPod on Sqaishey's 100k song that I recorded and shoved the ear buds in my ears.
As I waited it changed to 'Say Hey What a Beautiful Day!' I sang quietly along with it. I have an okay singing voice, I guess. I mean nobody has ever been around to tell me so.
"Looks like the baby is hiding from all the noise!" I heard Sadie pester. Just because I like a child friendly youtuber, doesn't mean I'm immature.
I rolled my eyes as Abbie and Sadie kept throwing insults at me. I finally had enough.
I yanked the ear buds out and spun around with a smile on my face. A genuine smile.
"I'm not fighting with you. " I said simply.
"No matter how much you 'torture' me, I will stay strong. " Sadie just rolled her eyes. I looked outside. It was a rainy mess outside. I gained an idea.
"Hey Sadie!" I said as she reluctantly looked up from the little paper she was drawing on.
"What a beautiful day!" I say as I shoved my ear buds back in and started the song over. She looked outside and looked utterly confused.
I only giggled as I put that song on repeat, for it became my new favorite song.

We lined up in front of the stairs. We had about fifteen children here, me being the oldest. As everyone got prepared for the people to come, I just looked down and quietly sang along with Sqaishey.
If you look around this world,
Open your eyes to see and behold,
The adventures all around,
Without you all I wouldn't have even found how to
Say Hey What a beautiful day!
The door creaked open and the chatter turn silent. I ignored it and kept mumbling the lyrics.
With a smile on your face your at the right place
Take your time and say
Hey what a beautiful day!
I heard giggles as I took the break in between the chorus. Again I ignored them as I started mumbling the lyrics again.
The journey has only begun
Take my wing we can have some fun
It started echoing like crazy in my earbuds. I took them off and shook them before I realized someone else was singing the lyrics too.
Who could it be? Nobody else watched Stampy except for me, and plus the voice sounded really close to the actual singer.
I lifted my head up to find a face in front of mine, them singing the lyrics of the song. She had blue eyes and brown hair with a blondish strip of hair in front. I was intrigued. The couple liked Sqaishey? That's pretty cool.
The lady giggled as she backed away from me revealing a guy with curly brown hair and green eyes. They both looked vaguely familiar but I'm not sure where. (And I'm like bro, shouldn't that have explained it right there?! What am I saying? This is my story! Carry on!)
"They'd like to interview you Ms.Huckelby. " (Sorry if I got that wrong Harlee I'm up at 12:00 am. Love you! 😘) Mrs.Caterfield moaned. I could tell she didn't like her job from day one.
"Uhm, yeah, sure..." I said. This is my first interview. Heck, this is the first time someone has actually liked me for what... Eight years?
We walked into the empty common room where I just stood there, waiting for their conversation to end. They were whispering to each other but when I heard the guys laugh, I couldn't believe it. I knew they looked familiar. I felt my eyes go wide at the two youtubers, them looking at me every now and then to see if I had noticed them.
Sqaishey was the first to notice my mouth had dropped. She giggled.
"Finally figured it out huh?" She asked.
And that's when I screamed.

Thanks for reading! My phone can't handle the lag so I'm gonna stop there. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to do a contest. All you have to do is think of an OC and which ever one I like the most will be added into the story along with a shoutout for you! Just tell me what your characters like and I'll do the rest of the magic. I already planned out the book but if you think something should be included, tell me and if I think it's good enough I'll add it somewhere. Oh and it'll take into Harlee's POV for now on until another special event. So mostly just Harlee. But stay beautiful my turtles!
Love ya!
~Gracie 😘🐢

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