Chapter 15 ~ Her Fingerprints On My Heart

Start from the beginning

"Tyler..I-" she starts, her voice filled with anxiety but I cut her off her by placing my index finger against her lips. "Please don't be scared of me, Ames," I breathe, inching forward, my eyes fixated on her full lips. We're so close now that I can feel her heart beating, almost as fast as mine, which only encourages me more. I've been waiting for this moment for so long, I've wanted to kiss her from the moment I saw her.

Her warm breath fans my lips and I close my eyes in anticipation. But of course I wouldn't be Tyler Adams if, only for once, something in my life would go smoothly. The ringing of my phone interrupts us and within a second, the moment is ruined. I groan in frustration and I hear Amy exhaling sharply as I reach into my pocket to take out my phone and turn it off.

"Aren't you going to take that?" Amy asks me with surprise and I shake my head. "Nope."

"But it could be important," she objects.

"You're important, muffinhead," I counter and the smile that lights up her face, makes my heart melt like ice. Taking a quick glance at my watch, I walk back to the stove and turn it off. "Dinner should be ready now."

After placing the food on two large plates, I hand them to Amy. "Do you mind?"

"Not at all," she shakes her head no, taking the plates from me. "Thanks, babe. The living room is just down the hall," I point towards the door. Finally, I take out the bottle of champagne I've placed into a bucket of ice cubes and two glasses before leaving the kitchen.

When I enter the living room, Amy has already placed the plates on the dining table opposite each other and is now patiently waiting for me. I pop open the champagne bottle and pour it into the glasses before sitting down across from her.

"To an amazing night with you, muffinhead," I bring out a toast, raising my glass and causing her to snicker. She picks up her glass to touch mine before taking a small sip from the cool drink.

"Mhh, this is really good," she praises after trying the first bite from the chicken. "You've never had a guy cook for you, have you?" I chuckle, taking a spoonful of rice. She lowers her gaze and shakes her head, clearing her throat nervously.

There it is again, this strange...vibe that radiates off of her whenever I mention past relationships, or anything that's related to her past for that matter. "When did you have your first kiss and how was it?" I suddenly blurt out, causing her to choke on the champagne, followed by a fit of coughing.

"You really want to know that?" she asks after she's calmed down, raising an eyebrow challengingly. "Why not?" I shrug, taking a sip from the champagne myself.

"Very well," she sighs. "I must have been around the age of six and there was this guy, he lived in our street and we called him Freckle-Face Fred because he had like tons of these freckles all over his pale face. One day, we were all playing outside when I fell and scraped my knee." A small smile plays around her lips when she recalls the memory.

"I was crying and my best friend, Anna, she was the first to rush to my side but soon all of the other kids were surrounding me as well. But then Fred came and pushed his way through the little crowd. He kneeled down beside me and said he knew a magic trick that would stop the bleeding and make the pain go away. He then wiped my tears away and before I knew it, I had his lips pressed against mine in a very wet kiss."

Her face scrunches up in disgust and she shudders but that doesn't stop me from losing my shit and breaking out into a deafening laughter, hitting my hands on the table repeatedly. "Stop laughing, it was terrible okay? I was completely horrified and all the other kids were disgusted and ran away, it was a total nightmare," Amy exclaims.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2016 ⏰

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