"Come to Daddy, Kitten"

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The aftermath of Eren's performance


After Eren's little fan-service, everyone had his attention. Eyes specifically searched for black cat ears and tails and he could literally feel gazes burning through his back. No sign of Levi yet, which disappointed Eren very much, especially so when the performance was for him in the first place. Eren wished Levi actually grabbed him and did the do to him the moment he ended his song number, then fuck the daylights out of him like from some porno. Call him desperate but he wouldn't deny that because it was a hundred percent true.

"Eren that was amazing!" A familiar voice called out to him in the crowd, a tuff of blond hair poking out an ocean of heads.

"Reiner!" Eren perked up a little, finally someone sensible to talk to.

When the blond had reached him he was slightly out of breath from having to push through his way to Eren. "Fuck, that was amazing.. I wanna bang you, everyone wants to bang you! Holy shit.. Fuck.." Reiner said running a hand on his hair, laughing.

With flushed cheeks Eren just giggled. "Oh you.." He playfully slapped Reiner's firm bicep. "Thank you though, I didn't think you came.. I only saw Marco and Jean earlier." Taking a short look around them, "Where's Bert and Annie?" Eren noticed them missing.

"Nah, they were the one's who didn't come.. Bert was busy and Annie," The blond thought it through. "Well she does things her own way I guess.."

"Mhmm I see.." Eren trailed off glancing around still.

It didn't take long until Reiner got it, "You're looking for someone?" He asked almost wilting but he didn't make too much of a deal out of it.

"Oh! --Uhm.. Yeah.." The brunet said with an unconcealed bright smile. "Say, Reiner.. Sorry, I hope you don't mind me ditching you right now."

"No, no it's fine dude! I'm totally cool with it, but you know who to call if you want some fun!" Reiner said winking playfully at his friend.

Eren opened his mouth to reply,

"I'm sorry, he's booked and taken, hopefully for the rest of his life."

His heart nearly stopped, Eren flicked his head on the direction of the voice. Eyes landed on a familiar short man who never failed to make his legs feel like jelly, the man who, without a doubt had his heart in his palm. "Levi.." Eren barely recognized his own voice, he sounded so weak and out of breath. This was a complete contrast to his confident outburst at the stage just minutes ago. Where had all his heated confidence gone? He was fine just a moment ago.

"Ahh sorry, sorry.. My bad!" Reiner awkwardly cut through. "Well Eren, I'll see you in school!" A large hand patted Eren on the shoulder. "Good luck!" That was whispered indiscreetly into his ear.

Eren's face burned red.

His plan to seduce Levi worked a little too much. A tad bit over the top if you asked him. And now he was getting a feedback from his target.

"What's the matter brat?" The cop, stepped closer until he was invading Eren's breathing space, he didn't mind inhaling the musky scent of sweat on the boy. Nope. Not a thing was dirty about Eren. In fact, sweat looked pretty good on Eren right now. A flash of an image of Eren rolling his hips meeting the empty space above him suddenly filled Levi's mind. Sweat was definitely good on Eren.

Really fucking good.

Eren didn't realize he was walking backwards until his back met the cold wall. He audibly gulped, he shuddered looking at Levi's predatory eyes and that smug smirk playing upon the older man's lips. He didn't care if they weren't alone in this very room, fuck people if they wanted to watch. But despite knowing they weren't alone but it sure felt like they were alone completely but that could be because he's suddenly caged between Levi and the wall.

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