Chapter 9...

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"Oy! You must be the sick girl." I turn over to see a small girl staring at me with her hands on her hips. She is smiling as bright as day itself. Her hair is dark brown just like mine and probably about as long as mine. A golden circlet lies upon her head as well. Her eyes are a pretty blue and her ears are quite big. She is much shorter than the average child because she's a dwarf.

"Why...I'm not sick just hurt." I smile sitting up.

"You look pretty sick to me."

"I assure you I'm not sick." Her face becomes serious.

"Well, I bet you're quite hungry! Oh by the way I'm Dis, Thorin, and Frerin's sister. I was told to come get you." She grabs my hands and pulls me to my feet. Dis is so small that when I stand up her head is at least to my thigh. She looks up at me smiling. "Well, come on then!"

I watch her start to skip down the hall, I follow slowly behind her. When we reach the dining hall food is flying everywhere. There is so much laughter that fills the room along with song. My father sits there like a statue and it makes me smile. Thror the king sits at the head of the table, his face completely serious. It's only men in the dining hall, the only two girls are Dis and I. When each dwarf sees Dis and I they stand up.

"Hello ladies! Come join us!" It comes from one with The Lonely Mountain tattooed across his head. From stories I've heard that is Thrain, Thorin's father. I heard he was a little bit crazy...I think most of the Durin bloodline is. I watch Dis skip around the table to her father. He pats her head, then everyone sits down again continuing their feast. I walk over to where my father is. He smiles up at me, then I sit next to him. I stare at all the food that sits on my plate, how am I going to eat all this. I scan the table trying to find Thorin but I only see two empty seats.

"Grandfather, the elves are coming tomorrow to claim the white jewels." I look up to see a blonde man standing there, he looks quite you. I'm assuming it's Thorin's brother. Thror just nods. Thorin comes in the room not long after him, he's holding a sliver harp in one hand. I grab my fork and knife starting to cut my food on the plate. Everyone is completely quiet, when I look up all eyes are on me.

"Well...what're you doin that for!?" One of the dwarves asks me followed by a laugh, a few others chuckling


"Save it Balin, no woman will eat with her hands." Thorin quickly says sitting next to his brother. I drop the fork and knife quickly picking up a piece of meat and eating it.

"You don't have a clue what you're talking about!" I smile. Someone starts clapping and I turn to see Dis bouncing on her father's lap.

"I like her! I like her, let's keep her! You know to help out grandfather!" She giggles.

"Dis, we're not keeping her!" Thorin shouts. "She belongs with her people not ours!" I watch the small girls face become sad. I drop my head and then look to my father who picks at his food with his fingers. Everyone continues their meal but Balin keeps staring at me.

"What?" I ask with a smile.

"You're quite proper, almost fit for a queen. Would you be interested in helping out around the kingdom?"

"That depends do I have to help Thorin too?"

"He is an heir to the throne..." Balin says.

"Can we talk about this later?" I ask.

"Sure." He continues to eat his meal, after we're all done the dwarves sing as Thorin plays his harp. He is very good on the harp but I still think I'm the best. Then a hand slams down on the table after awhile.

"Enough!" Thror shouts. "The elves are coming tomorrow, we must prepare." Everyone grows quiet and Thror rises from the table, leaving the dining hall. Thrain quickly gets up following behind his father.

"You heard him don't just sit there!" Thorin shouts. That's when everyone stands quickly starting to clean things up. "Dis do escort Edlyn back to her bed chamber, Frerin you take her father to his."

"Oh Brother, why can't you do it! Maybe Lady Edlyn would like someone a bit older to accompany her." Dis looks at me and winks.

"Fine, stay here and help clean up." Great, now I have to deal with Thorin again. I roll my eyes standing up and kissing my father goodnight.

I'm In Love With Durin Blood. (A Thorin Oakenshield Romance.)Where stories live. Discover now