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Okay guys. Skull here, You are probably seeing this or not but...



But guys?! What the fucking fuck fuck! I never been like this.

I am a 100% H20Vanoss shipper. But after what I read, from people writing H20Vanoss Fanfics. I love them really. Like I never been a Yaoi fan. But because of the ship I get into it.

The bad thing I have to encounter is this mother fucking issue, that I thought it was over like a month ago. And now I drop everything now. I was about to finish this book and write a new one but after what I read, Gosh... I will drop everything and leave the ship.

Or better yet stop the fandom of the Crew because of this shitty Issue. I am not pointing fingers here but. Because of what those fuckers did everything is a mess now.

Evan is playing with a minimum number of people now. Because of that and you know why?! And that's to protect Sydney!?!?

I am not a fan of her because I don't know her. But look at me do I judge? No, because I am a fucking human being too!!!

Look at this, like from a book I read with this exact rant.
You are known and you were shipped with your same sex friend. You are alright with it, because it is just jokes. Then one day you went in a relationship with the opposite sex and now your fans sends this awful message to your Gf or Bf what would you feel? Huh?! Comment it!

But I wanna say more before this comes to the end.

Just let them be guys. I have to be honest, I have a huge crush on Evan but I am fucking 17-18 unlike Sydney she is 19-20 I think. I accepted that they look perfect with eachother. Just leave their own lives.

And so we I am ranting let bring in Mini Ladd. What the fuck! Just because he doesn't like FNAF doesn't mean you have to post his personal stuffs. Like what the actual fuck guys?! Who is in with that can fucking unfollow me I don't care. Because you are just trash to my acct.

Youtubers, Vloggers, Writters, Artists. They are just people. A person. They are just known, so they are like... You know, loved by people. But come on.

Do you have to gang up with them, just look at you guys you are a lot. And they are just... what? 7-15 people? Come on.

We are one community. Can't you just be nice.

I get it you are lonely, you are depress, you are just lost that's why you did that. But who cares?! There are alot dealing than personalities issues. Like People dealing with cancer. Dealing with hunger and most of all dealing with disabilities. But do you see them hatin' on everyone that is livin'? No!!!! So stop with this drama and just let them fucking be!!!!!!!!

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