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Evan was shock on what he just heard. When Shaw notice Evan was shock, she laughed.

"What can't see the resemblance? Well I don't blame you. I got Dad's face while she had her pathetic mom's ugly face." She said. "But you know I have something in mind for you. I need you." She continued pushing Evan, making him fall on the chair.

"You're buff. Smart. And most of all, charismatic." She said crawling over him.

"Evan..." April said but stopping. When she saw what's happening. Evan quickly pushed Shaw and separating from the kiss.

"April." Evan said standing up and Shaw fixing her hair and wiping something from her mouth.

"Oh, didn't see you guys were in the middle of something. I... I am... I'll be going now. Mr. Fong, I am not signing the papers. I give the remaining fifty percent to Ms. Queen. Good day again." She said then walking away.

"Lui, pick me up." She said then using the elevator up.

"It's a good offer but I am sticking with Asia." He said rushing out of the room.

"I don't take no for an answer." She said before he was fully out.

"Then why ask?" He mumble and closing the door and loosing his tie and putting his hair in a spike. "Guys?" He said.

They all said 'yeah?','Here' and etc. While the only one who didn't was April and Tyler.

"Where are you guys? I got a lead..." He said when Tyler cut him off.

"Have any of you seen April?" Tyler quickly said and worried.

Evan's face quickly frown, where could she have gone? When the elevator doors open, he saw April's phone on the ground.

"Guys! Lyn is missing. I repeat Lyn is missing." He said picking up the phone and quickly pushed something and opening a secret passage.

And when the elevator door open. He saw Luke lying on April's lap lifeless and April was quietly sobbing head on Luke's dead body's head. "Vanoss? Are you there?! We are coming in!" Craig yelled.

"Guys... I..." he said. And at the last part everyone just heard him sniff. This is the first time ever Evan A.K.A Vanoss, teared and really hurt on what he saw.

"What's up?" David asked.

He took out his black sunglasses with a hidden camera in it. He was tearing and sniffing.

"Oh, fuck... Evan... I... They are going to pay!" Brock said and sniffs heard from the man.

"What's wrong? What's going on why are you two fucking crying like a pussy." Tyler yelled a bit pissed off because he felt left out.

"Open your phone and see what... But..." Brock just sigh "God..." he sigh again. "The view is not pretty." He said.

When the line went quiet.

Everyone just shut up in a quick minute. After that April saw Evan then smiled.

"Hey, you crying like a pussy here?" She asked looking at Evan. As the others burst with anger and Tyler just threw his phone out of the car.

Tyler quickly got out of the car and charged outside the company building. Craig quickly rushed towards Tyler who was holding a mini gun.

"This is for what you fuckers did! You inhuman son of bitches! How could you do it! Souless! Brainless! Mother fuckers!!!" Tyler yelled when he was about to warm up the mini gun.

Red dots was showing Craig knew what is going to happen next. When Craig quickly pulled Tyler away before it was raining bullets.

They got to a nice hiding spot. "How could they do it Craig! How could they fucking do it to the two people we could ever care for?!" Tyler yelled.

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