Hot Parent

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She woke up late, it was already seven thirty in the morning. She quickling swing her legs off the bed and rushed to the bathroom.

Brushed her teeth, took a shower, and let out her parent outfit. It was a fitted black dress, it was hugging her curves out, and wedges.

She know it was a sport fiest that's why she was going with Sky so that sky would do all the playing and April will just watch from a chair. She isn't that socialize so she don't want attentions.

She didn't dare to wear make-up it would just make her stickt afterwards. So she just covered her face with sunglasses.

As she walked towards Vanoss and knocked. She was constantly looking at her watch. Thinking they are super late.

When it open she recieved a shock looked fron Luke. "And who is this pretty lady?" He asked with a flirty tone.

"Stop it Luke, I don't have time. Where's the others?" She ask still looking at her watch.

"Yow guys! Look at sugar mommy here" he joked and she let out a shut-the-fuck-up look.

"Whoa, if that's the mom can't wait to be the dad" Terrorizer said.

"Guys are we going or not? I have Sky to come with if you guys aren't" she said.

"Let's go!" Mini said walking out of the apartment with the rest leaving Luke and Delirious.

"Are you serious? Almost half of your Crew?" She asked looking at Vanoss that was wearing a nice red and white checkered polo folded on the sleeves and black jeans.

"Hey, it is a Family fiest." Lui said walking next to her.

"Guys it's a parents and student fiest." She said smirking.

"We want to come case close" Wildcat said.

"Really? Evan you better look after them okay. We are acting like a family okay? Act like a normal person" she said chuckling at the end.

They looked at Evan with a shock look but the man just raised an eyebrow and with a 'what' look.

"You told her your real name?" Mini asked a little shock.

"Well she is a part of this now right?" He said they are now walking down the stairs.

"Why the stairs?!" Nogla whine when they are half way down.

"Yeah, whine when we are so close to the ground floor." Terrorizer said.

"Well are you guys going to tell me your real names?" April asked when everything went in silent.

"I am Craig" Mini said.

"David" Nogla said squeezing in between Mini and April.

"Still Lui" Lui said from behind.

"Tyler." Wildcat said with his hands on the back of his head.

"I'm Brock" Moo said walking backwards and letting out a hand.

"Brian" Terrorizer said Sliding on the railings.

"Marcel at your service" Walking sideways passing them and running towards Brian.

"And the two weirdos are Luke and Jonathan." Evan said referring to the two who was left in the apartment.

"I know Luke, like he doesn't give it away when ever I called out for Lucas" April said chuckling.

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Luke was sitting on the bench under a tree. When four of the boys walked towards him.

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