chapter 3

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It was Steven why am I so excited omg "hey" "aye I was wondering if you wanted to go skate with me toomarow ?" Omg he wants to hang out with me what do I do should I go omg I'm so excited and happy he wants to see me again "umm yeah like around what time" "at around 1:00pm alright" "umm yeah I'll be there " " OK goodnight beautiful sweet dreams❤ " "goodnight Steven ❤" I went to sleep so excited the next day I woke up and I got ready I bruched my teeth took a shower and when I got out I put on high waisted shorts and a crop top with my vans I went down stairs ate and I grabbed my skate board and I left when I got there I started looking for Steven until I finally going him he was with a girl my eyes started getting watery why he's not even my boyfriend then Steven saw MW and came up to e and said "umm its not what it looks like " "no Steven its fine well bye I'll leave you with your girl friend and I left crying I just ran home and ran up to my room and went into the bathroom and grabbed my blad and started cutting 1 for not being good enough for him another one for being worthless and another one for him not wanting me I stopped crying and cleaned the blood and went into my room and started crying when someone opened the door and start walking up the stairs and knock on my door I stayed open and it was....

I think IMA stop making fanfic..

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