Chapter 7

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Mom was rolling out pasta dough in the kitchen since morning. Dad drank his coffee and read the endless Sunday newspaper. I helped my mom around the house. Tonight my cousin, Anita, was coming to Tulsa from Texas. So my mom wanted to have a big dinner with her because we haven't seen her in years. 

Her family visited us from Italy and then she got ahold of us not too long ago. So I pretty excited to see her because it's not every day you see your family especially in my case! 

Soon enough it was 5 o'clock and Anita told she'd be here by now. Mama was still getting the food ready while Dad watched TV. All of the sudden the doorbell rang. I got up from the couch smiling. I'm so excited to see her!

I opened the door and I saw grown up Anita in front of me. Anita was still older than me but I noticed that she aged beautifully!

"LIA!" She yelled hugging me.

"Anita!!! How are you!?" I hugged her back.

"Look at how beautiful you are!" She complimented. "Turn around!" I turned and felt like a model posing in clothes. We both laughed.

"Your not the Little Lia we all called!" She added.

"But look at you!!! You are absolutely stunning!!!" I exclaimed. Then my mother walked over smiling at Anita and I.

"Look at you Anita! You turned into a beautiful, beautiful woman!" She beamed giving Anita a hug. "Gio!" She then called.

Papa walked over looking at us all. "Look at you all! How are you Anita!" He gave her a hug. "Ciao, Uncle Gio!"

We came inside and started talking in the living room/kitchen. The kitchen was open to the living room. The dining room was next to the front door with the stairs to the right.

Anita told us about everything going on in her life. And even though she was 26, she had a very interesting life. She was a fashion designer for a big company in Dallas, and my parents looked so happy for her.

"You're out there all alone?" My dad asked.

"Well, no. I met this really nice guy." She smiled.

"Really?" My mom gasped. Anita nodded.

"I'm so happy for you!" My mom started talking Anita about that. That's so screwed up. Anita isn't that much older than me. When she gets a boyfriend Mom is so happy for her! What about me?

Later on my dad wanted to show Anita how our backyard was being redone. We went on the deck then my dad went inside to get something.

"Lia, you are so quiet, what's up?" She asked.

"Nothing." I answered. As she walked closer glaring into my eyes.

"Do you have a man in your life?" She smirked.

I finally gave in and told her, "I really like this guy, and practically see him everyday because he's working on our roof."

"Has he noticed you?" She questioned.

"Yeah he took me to a party. We kinda flirted throughout the night then afterwards we kissed."

"Oooo!" She cooed.

"It felt so perfect, just a so right." I got a little sad. "Mama kinda noticed that I was talking to him and she didn't really approve." I explained.

"Oh who cares about your mom's opinion! You're in love with this guy! As long as you are happy!" She said. It made me feel a little better. I really do love Darry!

"Girls, dinner's ready." Mom called. We went inside, I thought about what Anita said to me. "As long as you are happy!" Would my parents care if I dated Darry?
Kind of a different chapter! Next one will be more interesting!

Remember that Sodapop/Two-Bit Fanfiction I've been talking about for awhile now? I'm going to write an exposed/prologue type of thing so you can get a glimpse at what the book will be about!

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