Raybans (Ambrollins)

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This is just a triple update, since I haven't updated here in a while! So, enjoy these one shots!

Seth had gone through every drawer and cabinet in his home, looking for contact lenses. He had thrown away his last pair the night before since they had been bothering his eyes and he had been using them for almost a month. But he thought he had a few more pairs, but he clearly didn't.

So he had to put on his black Raybans, even though he didn't like wearing them in public. And he really didn't want to wear them today, since he was going on a date with his boyfriend Dean. They had only been seeing each other for a couple months, and Seth was insecure about his glasses.

He looked at himself in the mirror, debating if he should just cancel the date. He didn't want Dean to laugh at his glasses or judge him, but he was probably already on his way to pick up Seth. He smoothed his shirt with his hands, and put his hair down to put it back up in a neater bun.

The doorbell suddenly rang, Seth yelling to come in as he ran to his room to get a hoodie and his phone.

"It's Dean!" He heard his boyfriend yell.

"In my room!" Seth called back, shrugging on his hoodie and putting his phone in his pocket. He turned around to see Dean standing at the doorway, smirking.

"Hey." Dean walked up to Seth, wrapping his arms around his waist. Seth hugged Dean back, then pulling away to kiss Dean. Dean kissed him back, then pulling away to get a look at his face.

Dean stared at Seth, a small smile on his face.

"Stop staring at me." He ducked his head, embarrassed.

"Why? You look great with glasses." Dean said, putting his hand on Seth's cheek and lifting his head up.

"No, I look like a nerd. I used up all my contacts." Seth blushed at Dean's compliments.

"Well then you're a very hot nerd." Dean grinned, not able to take his eyes off Seth. "You should wear them more often."

"Let's just go." Seth shook his head and took Dean's, going on their date and Seth enduring Dean's sometimes inappropriate comments on his glasses the entire time.

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