Favorite Villian + Least Favorite

556 27 170

Favorite Villian:

Joker- Blood
Darth Vader- Dark
Hannibal Lecter- Heather
Jack Torrance- Yellow
Freddy Krueger- Opal
Terminator- Olive
Magneto- Quick
Lord Voldemort- Quiet
Agent Smith- Quail
Norman Bates- Storm
Hans Gruber- Feather
Scar- Fern
The Queen- Cloud
Chucky- Berry
Jafar- Corn
Jeff the Killer- Red
Cruella De Vil- Lily
Leatherface- Lilac
Pinhead- Flower
Jason Voorhees- Coral
Tigerstar- Brown
Brokenstar- Broken
Mapleshade- Maple
Other- Yew

Least Favorite Villian:

Joker- Fang
Darth Vader- Soul
Hannibal Lecter- Spirit
Jack Torrance- Mane
Freddy Krueger- Roar
Terminator- Foot
Magneto- Tail
Lord Voldemort- Face
Agent Smith- Pelt
Norman Bates- Fur
Hans Gruber- Tuft
Scar- Stalk
The Queen- Path
Chucky- Trail
Jafar- Shade
Jeff the Killer- Splash
Cruella De Vil- Snap
Leatherface- Crack
Pinhead- Bird
Jason Voorhees- Wave
Tigerstar- Mud
Brokenstar- Ice
Mapleshade- Tree
Other- Drop

What did you get? I got Redtrail, Mapleshade (What?????) and Redfoot. Sorry if it doesn't make sense!

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