(Tribe Names) Middle Name + Shoe Size

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First Letter of Middle Name:

A- Eagle
B- Rushing River
C- Flying Dove
D- Dashing Cheetah
E- Quiet Rain
F- Flower Sprouting
G- Rock Falling
H- Leopard Playing
I- Drifting Breeze
J- Jumping Squirrel
K- Leaping Deer
L- Roaring Lion
M- Hawk Soaring
N- Silent Storm
O- Light Feather
P- Falling Snow
Q- Soundless Yowl
R- Evil Spirit
S- Bloody Claw
T- Snarling Tiger
U- Small Kit
V- Little Leaf
W- Wandering Snake
X- Broken Tree
Y- Tumbling Pebble
Z- Pouring Water

Shoe Size:

1- That Blows in the Wind
2- That Plays with Moss
3- That Flys Through the Clouds
4- That Gently Falls
5- That Dances in the Night
6- That Burns in Flames
7- That Freezes in Water
8- That Falls Soundlessly
9- That Breaths Ash
10- That Grows High
11- That Breaths Smoke
12- That Hooks the Flesh
13- That Lurks Through the Night
14- That Strikes the Thunder
15 or higher- That Drops Softly

What did you get? I got Quiet Rain That Falls Soundlessly. Sorry if it doesn't make sense. (Got this idea from @NeeshaKittenz)

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