Out of mind

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I've moved further than I thought I could,but I miss you more than I thought I would.

Once it was clear that I was turning into a weird stalker I stopped myself. It was either I was slipping or I was stuck in my feelings. I was just stuck in my head and I wanted to leave. I don't know how I hurt her but all I know is that wasn't my intentions. She left because she wanted a "new start" that's ok with me, I'm fine.

We were on our way to the city,my favorite place maybe this would brighten me up. The bright lights is what really makes me happy. "On our way to the city,how is everyone feeling?" I looked over and Sin had her camera. "You,young man with with the beautiful hair. How are you,what are you up to" I sighed "I'm tired and my ass hurts" I replied with a smile. "Ewwwwwww" she said laughing. Her long finger clicked the button of the small pink camera,turning it off. ''What's up with your butt'' I laughed but mentally wished she would stop talking. ''Iv'e been sitting down too long'' she shook her little head,her mixed colored hairs moved in sync with her head movement

  I played with the bright blue string on my sweater this ride was boring  and quiet,leaving me with my thoughts felt like shit. I closed my eyes making sure I  have time for a nap, once i felt the sleep take over someone tapped my shoulder. ''WHAAAAAAAT'' I mumbled making it clear that I didn't want  to be bothered. ''Lets go"  i looked up at Dallas he looked tired ,more tired than me''I didn't even get to sleep'' I mumbled. 'You were sleeping the entire time'' I gave him a confused look ''I was awake the whole time'' He shook his head walking into the hotel dragging me with him. 

It was almost midnight and we were rehearsing for hours my head started to hurt after a while. During breaks i would sit by the window and look over at the piano school that we were near.  ''Talon'' her name kept repeating in my head. ''Fuck'' i mumbled moving away from the window. ''Time to sleep '' I said ''Yea, i'm tired'' Dallas said  giving me a look I wouldn't make out. What's wrong with him he's been acting weird since we talked about the girl. I'll find out weather he wants me to or not,something's wrong here.

where she went (sequel to if i stay)Where stories live. Discover now