"Akashi-kun. (Y/N)-chan isn't mine. If she loves you, she'll be with you. But I don't want to lose her either."

"Mm..? Akashi hums. The read head looks at you worried and puts his hands on your shoulders. "Have you kissed (Y/N)? Kiss her even?"

You look at Akashi. 'He knows. Sei-tan is positive that Kuro-tan has never kissed me before.' But he was right. You and Kuroko-kun never kissed before not that you know of. Only Kuroko-kun would give you a peck on the forehead which was that one time during the beginning of spring.

"I know I have." he whispers in your ear. You close your eyes for a moment, feeling scared.

"Sei-tan isn't like this! The Sei-tan I know," you raise your voice a bit, "Isn't like this!!"

"That's because I love you dearly. And since I want to protect I hold dearly.." he pauses and change his sentence. Akashi-kun shows his fist to Kuroko, "Even if I have to stain my hands and become a monster for her."

"The way I see it. You don't see (Y/N)-chan as a romantic interest. More like a prize."

"Do you dare defy me Kuroko? Just give me (Y/N). You have Momoi already."

"As much as I know Momoi-san has feelings for me, I can't reciprocate them. I love (Y/N)-chan."

"Please stop.." you said, trying to stop them but you could see it was no use. Akashi-kun was smiling like a devil making Kuroko-kun glaring at him. Kuroko-kun takes you away from Akashi-kun, putting his arm in front of you.

"Then tell me how I don't love (Y/N)?" Akashi-kun said, sounding amused.

"I can't really say that you don't love (Y/N)-chan. It's your feeling. But the way I view it, I can't seem to see how you are in love with (Y/N)-chan. Akashi-kun have you ever notice (Y/N)-chan looking scared or uncomfortable?"

You flinched. You recalled the times you did felt uncomfortable around Akashi-kun.

"I'm sure Akashi-kun noticed it. But you didn't say anything about it." Kuroko-kun continues.

"And so what of it?" You flinch, your eyes looking straight at the ground.

"I treat you as a rival but Akashi-kun makes it like a competition even though its (Y/N)-chan's feelings in the end."

"I don't see how that has to do with-"

"Akashi-kun did you ever thought about (Y/N)-chan's feelings?" Kuroko-kun continues, "SHe loves the both of us and because she does, (Y/N)-chan doesn't want us to get hurt. She's scared of leaving us alone while she's happy. But Akashi-kun, do you really love (Y/N)-chan?"

"Are you questioning me, Kuroko?" You saw Akashi-kun really angered by Kuroko-kun's words. Just as Akashi-kun took a step forward, you quickly went in front of him, like you were the one protecting Kuroko-kun.

"I love both Sei-tan and Kuro-tan. It's not Kuro-tan's fault! But now, I have doubts too, if you love me or not. Was it all just a lie?!" your eyes started to tear up. You grab Kuroko-kun's wrists and walked away, finally leaving the red head finally thinking things through.

When you and Kuroko-kun were out of the red-head's sight, Kuroko-kun and you stop. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)-chan. I didn't like how he was being possessive over you when you didn't like it."

You shook your head. "It's not your fault. Kuro-tan, you knew about how I felt?"

"Yeah. I was actually-"

"Kuro-tan.. I'm sorry but I think answering to yours and Sei-tan's answer will take a while." you said, still not looking at Kuroko-kun in the eye. You didn't know what to think anymore.

"(Y/N)-chan don't think about it anymore. If (Y/N)-chan wants to be with Akashi-kun, then I would be happy for you. It would be upsetting at first but you smiling is way more important to me. I want you to have happiness. I just got upset at Akashi-kun, who treats this like it was a game."

"Thank you Kuro-tan. But I feel like Sei-tan does love me. He just doesn't know how to use his words right. I believe in him as much as I believe in you."

"(L/N)! Kuroko! The game is about to start!" Kagami-kun yells.

"Oh! Okay!" you yelled back. "Come on, Kuro-tan. Murasaki-tan is waiting for us!"

You couldn't get upset over this right now. The match between Seirin and Yosen was about to begin.

A/N: officially lazy to do pictures and finding links so im just going to update from now on without the pics xD

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