Chapter one: Monotony

Start from the beginning

Sjin Sykes had just entered the classroom, and was looking around with an anxious expression, chewing at his bottom lip. His roommate Sips stood beside him, and was whispering something to him- most likely trying to reassure him everything was alright. Sjin let out a nervous laugh, the sound of which made Rythian's stomach churn.

He hated Sjin.
With every fiber of his being.
He had his reasons; his hatred was justified. Sjin glanced over at him, catching his violet glare and looking down sheepishly. He tugged on Sips' shirt sleeve, pulling him to the other side of the classroom. At that moment Martyn the tree-hugger, Toby the one with the hoodie fetish, and Kaeyi, a relatively new at school girl, walked in front of them, talking and laughing amongst themselves, and his view was cut off.

Rythian glanced around, tallying up the student count for the day, turning back to the door in time to see the last two students walk through.

A brunette with weird luminous blue eyes named Xephos, who was talking to blonde haired, green eyed Duncan.

Rythian arched an eyebrow at Duncan as he passed, to which he received a non-committal wave.
Rythian's feelings for Duncan were somewhat mixed. He didn't have anything against the boy, per se, but he did have something against what he called himself.
A scientist. In fact, science was pretty much Duncan's life. He was president of Tekkit High's science club, and somehow managed to be the head student in science lab, despite his tendency to blow shit up.
Science was another of Rythian's justified sore subjects.
Duncan's obsession was something he just had to deal with, however. Duncan was his roommate.


The first class of the days, maths, seemed to drag on.

It was taught by Ms. Nubescu, a somewhat unusual woman with a Caribbean accent and a love of all things gold and shiny.

She began the days lesson, pointing at the various figures she had drawn on the board earlier that morning, as the class rustled their notebook pages to find a place to take notes and made no effort to disguise their groans.

As she droned on, Rythian let his gaze drift around the room, observing his classmates.

Sjin had a pained expression on his face, and was chewing his lip as he wrote down his notes at a snails pace.

Sips scrawled messily on his paper, occasionally looking up to flash a comforting smile at Sjin.

Ugh. It was so obvious. Why didn't they just MARRY already.

Zoey's paper was half-filled with her notes; the other half was filled with various doodles and drawings, mushrooms and dinosaurs.

Teep's hand moved quickly across the page, copying notes in his elegant script.

Ridge was copying his notes down in the perfect handwriting he had no doubt inherited at birth.

Rythian's gaze drifted around the room a few moments longer, then he turned back to his own empty paper. Crap. He had done it again. He glanced up at the teacher, straining to jot down the last bits of information she gave out. She finished speaking all too soon, and Rythian found his paper to be considerably lacking in valuable notations. Looked like he'd be doing overtime in the library later on. As usual.

The bell rang suddenly, loudly, a familiar sound. The class bolted to their feet as one, packing up, and Rythian made a beeline for the door, book bag slapping against his back as he moved.

He pushed his way through the in-between-classes throng of students and finally reached a clear space, slumping against the wall and reaching into his bag, quickly pulling it out. His notebook. His PERSONAL notebook.

He flipped swiftly through pages full of sketches and stories, until he landed on a fresh page, and within moments his hand was at work; pouring his thoughts out across the page. Ever since he had been caught writing in this, rather than working, he had been forbidden from writing in this specific notebook in class.

It wasn't his fault his imagination would never shut up.

Now he had to work quickly to write down all his thoughts in the hallway, between classes, which was a less than satisfactory arrangement, but one he had to deal with.
When he had finally finished, he breathed a sigh of relief.

His mind, if only for this brief time, felt blissfully empty, all those thoughts and ideas he had kept bottled up inside himself now poured out. He shut the notebook and leaned against the wall once more, watching his classmates with interest.

Sjin and Sips shoved each other playfully as the walked down the hall, the other students giving them a wide berth. Rythian noticed the small looks that Sjin flashed at Sips and felt his blood boil. The fact that he had to go to the same school as Sjin was sheer torture. He turned away, trying to ignore the pair.

He saw Duncan staring at the roof, probably trying to calculate how one could walk upon it. Xephos, who stood beside him, was not watching his friend; rather, he was staring at Lomadia, who was talking to Nilesy beside the water fountain. Day 142 in a row Rythian had caught him staring at her. Why didn't he just make a move already?

Then Teep walked by with Zoey. He was carrying her books and giving her his full attention as she chattered away, flipping her vibrant red hair every few sentences. Rythian felt his heart speed up. Zoey was perfect. She had a smile that could light up a room, and always had a good word to share with anyone that needed it. Rythian had known he liked her for a long time.

He sighed, clutching his notebook to his chest.

Zoey was sweet, but would she ever consider him, really? He was so... different. He was the quiet one, the studious one. He was quickly angered, and he wore scarves to cover his twisted face.
Not good enough for Zoey, he was sure. Not nice enough, not handsome enough.
She deserved a prince.
With those depressing thoughts in mind, Rythian headed off to his next class, heart aching a bit more than usual.

Time for more monotony.

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