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So I'm going to make these imagines about you being suicidal and just kind of what follows after that(: I think I'll make them separate chapters(:  

You heard the door unlock and a voice calling throughout the house. "Babe I'm home from the studio. The boys are coming with there girlfriends to have dinner." You didn't want to answer but you knew you had to. If you didn't Niall would worry and thats the last thing you wanted to do. "Alright babe. I'm going to take a bath real quick." You call out with a shaky voice. You hear his footsteps coming up the stairs and you don't want to do it but you grab the knife you took from the kitchen. You hear him knock on the door. "Y/N are you okay?" You contemplate whether or not to answer but finally decide to just respond. "Yeah I'm alright." Your voice still a bit shaky. There's a lump in your throat and you finally decide its time. "Y/N I'm coming in alright?" Panic rushes over you. You don't want him to see you like this. "No. Babe I'm okay don't worry" You call out a bit too quickly. You put the knife on your wrist and start. "One for not being good enough. That's what the fans think of me. They tell me Niall deserves someone better. I'm too fat and ugly. They say I should just kill myself. So that's what I'll do." Slowly going lower and lower on your arm you realize your closer to cutting your veins. You think for a minute. "Is is really what I want?" You ask yourself. You look around and the tub is starting to turn red from all the blood. You hear knocks louder and louder as you realize you haven'y heard Niall calling you. "Baby are you okay? What's wrong?! Y/N fucking answer me! PLEASE!" You hear the pain in his voice and you can't bear it. You keep going and realize its whats best for him. Then you hear something at the door and get nervous. The door opens and you see a Niall with shock and worry filling his eyes. A mix of anger. You knew you weren't good enough. You slowly close your eyes and were about to keep going when you heard a shriek. "NO. DON'T YOU DARE KEEP GOING. YOU ARE MY PRINCESS. I WAS SUPPOSED TO PROTECT YOU. WHY WOULD YOU THINK ABOUT DOING THIS. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH PRINCESS. IT HURTS SO MUCH THINKING YOU WOULD THINK ABOUT THIS!" He screams wiping away the tears that were falling freely from his eyes. You loved Niall too. You couldn't put him through this pain. While you were deep in thought Niall had already pulled you out of the tub and put the knife far away where you couldn't just grab it. "Princess. Are you going to tell me whats wrong?" He asks with a shaky voice. Your tears were slower and coming to a stop but there was still a lump in your throat. "They tell me I'm not good enough for you. They tell me you deserve someone better. I agree with them Niall. You can't waste your time on a suicidal girl. They tell me to kill myself. Don't you see Niall?! THEY ALL THINK YOU'RE TOO GOOD FOR ME. I THINK YOU'RE TOO GOOD FOR ME. THIS ISN'T GOING TO WORK. WITH ALL THE FUCKING CHEATING RUMORS?! OBVIOUSLY I KNOW YOU WANT SOMEONE WHO CAN GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT NIALL! SORRY THE VIRGIN YOU DECIDED TO BE WITH IS TIRED OF ALL THE BULLSHIT AND WON'T HAVE SEX WITH YOU!" You say realizing there was more to the story not just you simply being done with fans. By the end you're on your knees bawling. You look up at Niall and see he's shocked and hasn't said crap. So you get up. You look down and realize there is a bandage is wrapped around it covering the cuts. You get out of the bathroom and go into your room. You grab a crop top and high waisted jeans along with a coat. You start putting everything or mostly everything in your bag. You turn around and see an angry Niall. "So what? You're just going to leave everything? Leave me?" He whispers hurt clear in his voice. He spoke so low if I moved you probably wouldn't be able to hear him. You look up to see tears running down his face. You didn't notice you were crying until you saw the tears falling down from your face. "Niall. I can't keep doing this. Your fans hate me. They think I'm ugly and not good enough. You deserve someone better. I love you and this hurts. You've always been my prince. You made me smile. You made sure I was always happy. We've been together for a year! Its been a year of having to deal with Directioners. Don't get me wrong. Some of there are sweet but the majority hate us together. Its better if we stay friends. And about the cheating rumors. They say you should be with that girl. They say I'm a charity case and thats why you didn't want to break up with me. I thought you were different. Please don't make this harder Niall. I'll just say goodbye to everyone and I'm leaving." You  say anger and sadness coursing through your body. You put your bag down and go back into the bathroom to clean yourself up a bit. You look back and Niall was sitting on the bed looking at a picture of you two from a while ago on your birthday. You look in the mirror making sure you look a bit nicer. You take off the smeared eye liner and sit on top of the toilet. You keep crying just letting it all out. The past few months everything was going down hill. You hear Niall's footsteps and see his feet walk in. "You were my everlasting love. I thought we would be together forever. I thought you were my princess. I wanted to prove all those girls who call themselves my fans wrong. I thought we could get married one day and have kids. I thought wrong obviously. You should have come to me when you started getting sad. I have gotten in arguments! Do you know I almost stopped being friends with the guys because Harry wanted to get at you and I didn't want to let you go. It all seems so pointless now. You're leaving me. And I still love you. Fuck. I've always been in love with you. The day we met was the day I first saw your gorgeous eyes. Thats the day I realized I had found my princess. And now you're telling me its over. I will do anything to keep you. Just please stay with me princess." You hear him say taking little breaks in between. He got in arguments with the boys over you? Harry liked you for the longest time and you knew that but you didn't think he would try taking you from Niall. "I am sorry. I can't do this though. Its become difficult. But trust me when I say this. I am in love with you Niall James Horan. I have loved you and I will keep loving you... But I don't know what to do anymore. I have tried ignoring them but I just ugh!" You say. He walks up to you and hugs you. You get up and he puts his forehead on yours. "Y/F/N I will always love you. And it shouldn't matter what others think. I just know I want you I'm here for you baby." He says and starts leaning in. You do the same and everything felt right again. You started smiling into the kiss. He pulls away and holds your hand. You both walk downstairs and realize everyone is waiting. Everyone looks at both of you worried and you just smile and you lean into Niall while he holds you close like he's going to loose you if he lets you go. 

A/N How was it?!?! I hope you liked it. I was going to stop but thing after thing happened and holy shit it kept going I had to end it somehow. And I would have added more.  But I hope you really enjoyed that(:

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