Nick Young for Trezher

Start from the beginning

"And how-" I began but was cut off by the sound of my phone ringing.

My eyes widened and I ran my hand through my hair in frustration.

I looked into Nick's brown orbs.

"I'm sorry for the interruption." I said, ignoring my phone and Nick shrugged, nonchalantly.

"You can answer it." Nick said and I shook my head.

"It's okay. They can leave a message." I said, shrugging off the call and my phone finally quieted down... Then started again.

I sighed in exasperation, "I'm sorry."

I reached for my phone and Nick leaned back in his chair, waiting patiently as I answered my phone without looking at the ID.

"Hello?" I hissed, agitated at the caller, looking down at my shoes.

"Someone's grumpy." I heard Tim, my long blonde haired, green eyed, tall best friend and roommate's southern drawl on the line.

"Tim. I'm in the middle of something. What do you need?" I asked, curiously.

"I wanted to know if we had any Bologna." Tim said and I rolled my eyes while I continued to stare at my shoes.

"You called me to ask about some Bologna?" I asked through gritted teeth, wanting to strangle Tim.

"Yeah. I'm hungry, darlin'." Tim whined and I could just slap the southern out that boy.

"Then look in the fridge!" I snapped.

"I did look. I didn't see any." Tim said and I rolled my eyes again.

"Timothy. Obviously if you do not see Bologna in our fridge then chances are we don't have any and you need to get your lazy self up, go to the store, and buy some." I stated.

"I could do that, but I don't have time. I have practice in thirty minutes." Tim said.

Tim played for the UCLA Bruins, football. He was a quarterback.

"Then make yourself something else!" I said, annoyed.

"Fine. I will." Tim said, "But can you buy more Bologna after your interview?"

"Goodbye, Timothy." I deadpanned and hung up my phone, placing it back on the table.

I looked up at Nick's face which had a small, humored smile.

"Boyfriend?" Nick asked and his smile fell a little at the word. Or maybe I was just seeing things.

"No. My best friend slash room mate." I rolled my eyes as I thought about Tim.

"Oh." Nick said and I nodded.

"Anyway. I'm sorry for that. Tim is... Well Tim is Tim." I shook my head.

Nick chuckled, "It's fine."

"Okay. Back to this." I pointed to the questions with my purple pen.

"Alright." Nick said.

"Can I ask you a question?" Nick asked and I nodded.

"Sure." I said.

"This is your first interview, isn't it?" Nick grinned and I blushed with a small giggle.

"That obvious?" I asked.

"Yeah. You seem uncomfortable." Nick said, "Have you always worked here?"

"Yeah for the past two years, but I don't interact with the players. I do like endorsement for the team. Stuff like that."

"No wonder I've never seen you." Nick admitted and I blushed.

"Yeah that's why." I agreed, softly, looking back to my shoes.

"If you're not busy later, would you like to go out for drinks with me?" Nick asked and I blushed while nodding.

"Yeah. I would really like that." I admitted.

"Awesome." Nick commented.

I lifted the questions.

"The faster you answer these, the faster we'll be finished." I said and Nick had an unreadable look on his features.

"What if I want this time to go by slow with you?" Nick asked and I blushed.

"Wow, you're a charmer." I giggled.

Nick winked at me, "I try."

I looked at the questions, "How about we do lunch and drinks?"

"I'll buy lunch." I offered and Nick shook his head.

"I'll buy both lunch and drinks, Trezher." Nick said.

"Are you sure?" I asked, uncertain and Nick nodded.

"I'm positive." Nick said.

"Okay." I agreed, "Now let's get back to these questions so we can get lunch. I'm starving."

"I'm ready whenever you are." Nick teased and I blushed as I remembered saying the same words earlier.

I smiled and went on to the next question, anxiously awaiting what our lunch date would behold.

I hope you enjoyed it Trezher & btw I LOVE your name! Also, I was having Friday Night Lights feels so I just had to put Tim in it! 😂😍
- Dani

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