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I woke up and the first thing I felt was my head who was bauncing like a freak. I open my eyes and realize that this wasn't my room, but it wasn't Jade's either. My heart starts beating really fast and I get up, followed by alot of pain in my forehead. Did someone kidnap me? Where am I?

I look around the room and it looks kind of familiar, but I don't seem to remember where from. When I step out of the bed and walk over towards a desk, it hits me. This is Harry's room. What am I doing here? Have we..? No! We can't. Then what am I doing here? Why can't I remember how I got here?

Thinking back of last night I remember Harry forcing me to drink a lot of what I thing was vodka. I also remember our kiss and my fall out in the kitchen. Everything after that is completely blank.

The door opens and Harry walks in. "You're awake."

"Yeah... with tbe biggest headache ever." I sigh.

"Uh, should I bring you home?" He asks.

"No! I don't want my mom to see me like this."

"Okay, whatever. There's a kitchen downstairs, you've been here before, suit yourself. I'm out. I'll be back in I don't know an hour or something." Harry is about to leave, but I stop him.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Why do I even care?

"To grab some food, everything here is disgusting." He says.

"Can I come with you? I mean, since it's disgusting and I don't know what to do here. I don't want to go home yet." I feel myself blushing.

"Fine." He says then walks out of the room.

I see my bag, who I was supposed to bring to Jade, standing on the desk and grab it to change. I'm still in my dress from last night, so that means that Harry only took off my shoes and my jacket. Brr, even the fact that he touched me makes my body shake, but I'm glad he didn't took off my dress.

After a couple of minutes I feel fressed up and walk my way downstairs, where I see Harry waiting for me on the couch. "Ready?" He says and already stands up, not bothering if I'd say no.

He walks his way to his car followed by me. The car drive was silence, which annoyed me, but I didn't really know what to say.

"Uhm, can you tell me what happened last night? A-after that thing in the kitchen? I can't remember." My heart us beating really fast and I don't even know why.

He rolled his eyes. "Nothing much happened, Jaden didn't want Jade to see you like that and didn't want to bring you to Jade's house like that. He also didn't want your mom to see you like that, then he got all mad at me and told me this was all my goddamn fault. So I took you and well at first I just thought fuck it and I wanted to bring you home, but I didn't know your goddamn address so I brought you to my place since I had nowhere else to drop you." He talked about me like I was some dog.

"Okay, uh thanks." I say and look out of the window. It went silent again.

After 10 minutes or something the car stopped and I saw some restaurant where I've never heard of. Harry stepped out of the car and I decided to do the same. I followed him inside and sat oppisite him.

We ordered our meals and awkwardly just looked around.

"Soo," I broke the silence. "How do you know Jaden?" I asked.

He sighed in a way that he thought I was annoying, but I didn't care and just looked at him waiting for an answer.

"His mom and my mom we're best friends when they were little so we hung out a lot."

"Didn't they live in Australia?" I say, looking confused.

"They came to London every summer." He said. He isn't much of a talker.


"So, are there even things that make you happy?" It flopped about before I could hold it.

"The fuck is that for question?"

"Well, I-I don't know, you just have this mad expression on your face like the whole time. I was just wondering if uh if there were things that could actually make you smile."

"No." He snapped.

"C'mon everyone has them! Just like the little things you know like, when you can smell rain outside in mid summer or when there's a butterfly flying infront of your face or when you're in a car and your favorite song comes on the radio." I smiled.

Harry laughed a bit. "That shit is for girls."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, tell me about yourself then."

"Stop asking so many goddamn questions."

"This wasn't a question. I want you to tell me stuff about you. Like your age and do you have siblings, have you always lived in london or do you come from somewhere else, you know thats stuff."

"Why the fuck would I do that." He snapped.

"Because I'm trying to get to know you."

"Why?" He asked, but looked at me as if no one ever cared about him.

"Now you're the one asking questions." I laughed.

"Fuck, fine." He rolled with his eyes. "I'm 19, I'm in college. I-"

"Wow, so you're in your final year?" I cut him off.

"Yes, don't fucking interrupt me." A smart guy?

"I-I'm sorry, go on." I feel my face getting red.

"I have one sister, Gemma. We grew up in London, but she and my mom moved to New york 3 years ago, which was when my dad screwed us." Harry looked like he was surprised that he said all of this.

"What happened with your dad?" I asked curiously.

"None of your business." He snapped and looked away.

"Okay, well. I'm 16, I'm still in High school, senior year, I don't have any siblings. I've lived in London my entire life and It's only me and my mom, because my dad died 3 years ago." I don't know why I said that.

"What happend to him?" He askes, like he cares?

"I don't know. We got a call on 3 p.m. on a saturday morning telling us that he had an accident and didn't survive it. They wouldn't tell us what kind of accident or what happened." I tell him.

"Do you know where it was?." He asks.Why does he want to know this?

"Oxfordstreet." I said and I saw Harry nodding his head.

After a few minutes of staring outside Harry stood up. "Come, I'll drive you home." It wasn't some kind of offer more like a demand. "O-Okay."

I gave him the directions and he drove me straight home. "Uh, thanks. For uh, for everything."

"Yeah whatever." He went back to his bitchy self. I stepped out of the car and didn't look ar him once. He wasn't worth a 'goodbye'.

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