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It's 9.13 p.m and I've been staring at my closet for half an hour. What should I wear? Will it be only in his house or can we also go outside? Will it be cold outside? It's September so It's not ice cold but It's also not hot. This is so hard.

After staring for another 10 minutes I decided to wear my grey, long sleeve dress. That way the bottom half of my body (my legs) would just have to deal with the cold air, but my arms are protected. I also feel really comfortable in this dress and since I'll probably only know Jaden, I need to feel good.

I put on some gold jewerelly to not make my outfit look boring and straighten my hair. I decided to go for my short black boots, because they have gold in it which matches my jewerelly.

After that I put some make-up on and heared the doorbell ring. "Allison." I heared my mom yell. "Coming." I yelled back.

I grabbed my red coat just incase it would get really cold or his party is in his garden and rushed to the door where I saw Jaden shaking hands with my mom.

"You look amazing." He said.

I smiled and checked his outfit. "Thanks, so do you."

I gave my mom a kiss on the cheeck and heared her whisper. "He's cute." Which made me laugh. "Bye mom." I smiled. "Bye, don't be home too late." She yelled while we were walking towards the car. "I'll try." I yelled back, then she closed the door.

Jaden started the car and I looked at him. "you really do look good." I said.

He blushed a little. "I really want to thankyou, Alli. I like it a lot, even the hair." He laughed and shook his head. "And so did my mom and sister. They finally told me I looked like trash before and I needed to fresh up." I laughed. "I'm glad I could help."

After 10 minutes we arrived at some frathouse where I assumed to be the party. "You're friend is in college?" I asked Jaden. "Yep." He said and we both stepped out of the car.

He opened the door and I already felt the beat of the music bumping through my body. God, there were so many people. I've been to a few parties before, but non has even looked like this.

"Yo Harry! Wassup man?" Jaden gave some guy a bro kind of hug and smiled. "Sup." The guy said, I assumed his name was Harvy or Harry? I don't know, the music is too loud. Jaden looked at me. "This is Allison." I wanted to shake his hand, but the guy just gave me a little nod and looked back and Jaden. How rude.

Jaden talked a bit with the guy and I just awkwardly looked around. He came over to me and asked me if I would wanted something to drink, but I said no. He looked kind of surprised, but then gave me an "okay" and walked towards some guy he also seemed to know. I looked around again and saw an empty chair and decided to sit on it. I played a bit with my fingers, when I heared something.

"WhAT THE FUCK MAN ?!" someone yelled.

I looked up and saw two guys fighting. One was that Harvy guy and I didn't know who the other one was. Harvy yelled something I couldn't hear and suddenly punched the other guy in the face.

"Get out!" he yelled. The other guy looked frightened. "NOW." he yelled again, which made the other guy run out of the house as fast as he can.

The Harvy guy turned around and looked my direction. He just stood there. A body full of tattoos, a face just completely flawless, sparkling green eyes, wearing a black t-shit and black jeans with brown boots.
He came over to me. I felt my heart beating faster and my whole body shaking. He looked me straight in the eye. "Get off of my chair." He said. Asshole.

"S-s-sorry." I said, my face turning red. I stood up and awkwardly walked away.

When I found the kitchen and drunk some water, I took a second to think about what just happend. Who is this guy and what is wrong with him? He is.....Terrifying.

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