Society Is Ruined They Say

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(Beware of typos and grammatical errors. Please bear with me. Im really reaally tired but I really really wanted to write sooooo.......LOL)

Haha. So here's another part of your opinionated's journal :)

So as you all know, Im nightmonarch here in Wattpad world and a some of you knew that Im Meisha Del Valle in Facebook, neverthless, Im not really them.

Im just like any other hundrum kid in the world. In the world where society is ruined.

People are judged based on their appearance.

People are all hypocritical.

People considers suicide an option to deal with a problem.

People kill every living thing.

People are so selfish

People builds walls for themselves

People puts mask on their faces

People tries to conceal the truth

People tries to conceal the brokeness of themselves.

People thinks that it's okay to ruin another soul just to make someone feel the same way that they do.

In short society is ruined.

What's the bottom line of all of this?

Well? For me, I think its INSECURITY

The feeling of not being good enough.

The fear of being judged with your flaws.

Because with this youth of today, the society we belong is the next generation who are expected to be the smartest generation of all times.

From creating future technologies better and stuffs like that.

The elders says that "Ang Kabataan Ang Pag-asa Ng Bayan" but really? In this young age there is already a lot of expectations that's in our shoulders but then the elders also says that "this society/generation is ruined and the worst" but little they did know that they are the one who raised it.

Parents are so strict that's why children learns to make smart alibis and learn how to tell those little white lies. If the elders were just more faithful to their childs....

How could you expect a child to trust you or tell you their secrets or feeling if in the first place they are AFRAID to do so because the eleders themselves don't even trusts their childrens.

Parents are HYPOCRITES, so for the term but I think that's true.

Society wants and tells you to be yourself but how can you exactly be yourself in the world where malicous eyes garners and stares from every side of the streets.

Like always mistooking being a girl with a lot of guy friends a slut. Etc.

We live in a judgemental society....

Where people hates to be judged but they still judge others anyway...

We are such a great hypocrites.

People today are always seeking for attention which a lot may call it being a fame whore... but really? A whore? Isn't that too much for a word?

People seeks attention because they long for it! They want to expirience attention even just for ones because a lot of people feels so insecure of themeselves like are they not that significant enough for others specially the people around them to notice? Are they just like plastic bags that's drifting to the wind and no one ever dared to it pick-up? Are they just trashes?

People builds walls and masks just to protect what they really have. Walls to conceal everything about them and masks to pretend something or someone they are not for they know it within themeselves that their souls are shattered. Deeply shattered and broken.

People are so selfish.... Just like me, because for me, what's mine is mine.

Maybe Im just afraid that someone might just be like me and just replace me in an instant because to be honest I hate being replaced so as much as possible I try to be different from others and I really get damn frustrated when someone copies my style or just simply get something similar with something that I have because Im trying my best to build my ownself, my own unique self. Im trying my best to be significant so I won't be compared ever again.

For being compared is the worst feeling ever like again, they tells you that you should act yoursel;be yourself, neverthless they still expects you to be someone else different.


So Im really confused in where it all got worse? Is it from the eleders or the youth?

----This part is to be continued----



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