Chapter 7

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I stood there stunned . I could tell that she was just as in shock as I was .

" you good ma ?" I asked shutting and lockin the doe

she didnt answer , she just stood there looking at me . that look in her eyes told me everything I need ta know .

grabbing ha hand I began ta lead ha up the stairs .. " A-Aug what are you doing" she said

I can tell she tryin ha best not ta break down righ nha " just follow me mama" I said caressing the side of her face


turning back around I continued ta lead her up the rest of the stairs hand in hand . " you cold ? " I asked gettin kinda worried

she was shaking like crazy " N-no im fine Aug , I just really wanna lay down "

" okay c'mon" I said helping her in the bed tucking her in and turning the light off .

" August will you lay with me .. please "

" uhhh yeah I can do that " I said

she sat there intently watching me as I took off my jewlery , my shirt , my socks , and then my jeans .

leaving me in just my boxers ..

" Liv you gone scoot so I can get in the bed" I said snapping my fingers in front of her face

"O-oh yeah .. sorry " she said trying to smile the best she could . scooting over so that I could get in the bed

I reached over and turned the lights out .. " c'mer ma" she scooted over a lil bit .. I guess she was scared ..

so I grabbed her by her waist pulling her all the way over to me .

"August will you hold me " she asked turning over

" yes"

as soon as I parted my lips ta say yes she crawled on top of me straddling me wrapping her arms around my waist and placing her face in the croock of my neck .

I wanted ta put my hands on ha ass and give it a luh rub .. but I decided not to . instead I wrapped my arms around her waist holding her as tight as I could .

as soon as I did that I felt her tears running down the crooks of my neck and her sobs began to fill tha room .

ha sobs grew louder and then became light snores ..

I carressed her hair and got comfortable before drifting off into a well needed sleep



I woke up with a pounding headache . remembering the events that accured last night ..

moving around a little so that I could get a bit more comfortable .. putting my face further into the crook of August's neck

remembering that he stayed the night .. I didn't want to get up or wake him seeing that he just looked so peaceful .

removing my hands from around his waste circling his lips .. I couldn't help but admire his sexiness ..

he twitched a little bit causing me to laugh a little bit

"August" I said whispering in his ear removing my hand from his lips

he didnt move at all .. so I decided ta roll off of him and try to shake him . as soon as I tried ta move off of him he moved his hands down to my ass squeezing it and pulling me closer on ta him .

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