Chapter 1 .

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Woke up feeling amazing considering the circumstances . I looked over at my clock & it read 8:15 . I knew if i didn't get up now that i'd be late .

I went to the bathroom & started my shower . Waiting for the water i looked at myself in the shower admiring my beauty ... I finally got in & washed my beautiful body letting the water drip down me as i cut the water off.

I got out & oiled my body with my favorite strawberry sented oil . I got out a purple braw & thong set & placed them on .

I went to my huge closet looking around wondering what i'd wear today ... i decided on wearing a  cheetah print jumper with a black blazer to cover up more skin , i didnt need to catch any more type of attention from the men at work . they already be tryn slick shit ... 

I went to the bathroom to straighten my hair parting it down the side . i decided on doing a little less with the makeup , i put on a little foundation  mascara & eyeliner and called it a day ..

i  finished up handling my buisness in the bathroom , got my purse & headed out the door locking it behind me .. i got slid into my all black with crome lining Range Rover getting ready to crank it up and my iPhone started to ring ... i looked down to see my bestfriend of 6 years calling me . uhhhhh what could she want ?


I woke up this morning with Olivia on my mind i was really startinng to worry about her ... Olivia and i I usually speak three to four times a week , so for her to not have called me or answer my calls was pretty strange ..

i decided to give her a call praying that she'd answer i really need to see her .. the phone rang three times before she picked it up ... thank God !

Olivia : hello

Me : hey bestie , how are you ?

Olivia : good ..

i sighed .. knowing she was being short with me

Me : are you sure , your being really short .

Olivia : yeah

Me : look Liv i know your having a hard time trying to deal with everything that happened between you and Charles , but you need to get it together because taking it out on me or anyone else around you isn't going to make you feel any better well now im going to starbucks before work and i want you to meet me there so we can talk before work .

Olivia : mmmmm , okay Jelena ..


I sighed a deep breath .. to tell the truth i wasnt okay , AT ALL ! every since i found out that Charles was cheating on me with sum dumm bumm ass bitch just because my world had fallen apart

i guess i might as well suck it up & go , i know if i dont ill never hear the end of it ..

i did a U turn and headed in the direction of the startbucks. i put in a cd of one of my favorite new artist and turned to my favorite song .. singing was one of the only ways i knew how to calm myself

i when i came to the red light right across from the starbucks Jelena wanted me go to i really didnt wanna talk to anyone , i just wanted to go to work and then go back home get in the bed and sulk around ..

as the red light turned green i eased off the brake turning my turning signal on and slowly made the right turn into the Starbucks parking lot .. deciding to just hurry up and go in to get it over with

the faster i get in the faster i can get out .


I sat there waiting for Olivia to come and for a second there i thought that she was going to stand me up ...

Just as I was going to leave in strolled Olivia . thank God

i started to get butterflies knowing that i didnt just call her here to talk about her , but that i had something really important to tell her ..

I  know she probably hoped that by the time she had gotten here i wouldve left . But noooo i was determined on sitting here until she arived.

Olivia : hey Jelena

Me : hey babess

Olivia : so what's up , why'd you want to meet up ?

Me : well to be completly honest i was worried about you .. & i had something to tell you ..

i said damn near outta breath from my heart beating soo fast

I knew it wasn't going to be easy telling Olivia that i was the " bitch " that Charles had slept with , but i knew i had to . i couldnt continue to keep this from my bestfriend. i had to be honest with her .

Me : so are you okay Olivia ?

Olivia : not as good as i could be , but definitly much better than i was

Me : well thats gre- Olivia cut me off

Olivia : what'd you have to tell me ?

i mentally cursed, cried, rolled my eyes all at the same time ..

Me : well Olivia theres this club opening tonight & i want you to come ..

i just couldnt tell her right then , i mean how do you tell your bestfriend that your the one her ex cheated on her with

Olivia : ughhh id-

Me : you don't have a choice ..

i said cutting her off

Me: i'll be at your house to get you at 10 . love you see you then ...

i said walking away so that she couldnt say anything else to try and talk her way out of it ..

i knew i had to tell her eventually , i just didnt know how or even where to start ...

i just really dont want to loose my bestfriend of 6 freakin years over a big mistake that i wish i had never made ..



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