Chapter 3

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Alpha Colton - Armand Douglas Hammer

Chapter 3 - Potential Mate

A phone ringing made its way into Colton's ears that made him wake up unwillingly. "The fuck..." he groaned. Bright white lights blinded his eyes. Morning is just too keen on meeting him everyday. After touching his mobile phone, he answered it in haste. "Alpha Colton speaking."

"Good afternoon, Alpha." His beta greeted him on the other line.

"What did you call for this early in the morning?" Colton helped himself up off his bed, leaning onto his bed stand in the process. He slept well last night and he has no idea why.

Carter rolled his eyes, knowing his Alpha can't see him. "Morning? Its two o'clock in the afternoon, Alpha."

"Two o'clock, you say? What happened?" Colton asks groggily while struggling to put some sweats over his boxer. He's going out for a run given the fact that he had a nice sleep last night. "İ am going out for a run, Carter. Watch the pack and finish some of the paperworks while İ am gone." Colton ran his thick fingers through his hair, a habit of his after waking up.

"Yes Alpha."

"Have you seen uncle Tristan and Auntie Trisha?" Colton asked as he smelt the faint scent of the two inside the house while descending the stairs.

"No, Alpha. Heard they're visiting an old friend." He cleared his throat. "Anyways, I have received a letter from Rome-specifically from Teardrop pack's beta, Jamie, Alpha." He informed. "The invitation clearly stated your permission to open the seal."

"Be there after an hour." Colton hung up as he pulled open his front door. After walking a good foot away from the house, he stripped himself naked, shifting in the process.

"Be there in an hour." Carter mocked while arranging all of the stack paper messily placed atop Colton's office table. He is such a caveman when it comes to things. Carter whistled aloud a popular tune that had him buying the latest mp3. İt was a song composed by some ginger guy that goes by the name of Ed sheeran. From his memory, the title of the tune he's whistling was shape of you. After an hour or two wherein he lost track of time, his Alpha, Colton, bursted through the double doors of his office where Carter sat behind his desk.

"Hand me the invitation." Colton said as he reached his beta. He's now freshly showered clad in tight fitting jeans and grey muscle tee.

"Heaven's fuck!" Carter squealed, clutching his chest. "Almost gave me a heart attack." He mused, standing up and offering the seat he had been seated hours ago. He stretched his numb legs, groaning in the process.

Colton only arched an eyebrow as he sat down on his swivel chair. "Hand me the invitation."

"Yes alpha."

Colton opened the neatly folded, scented papers locked with a seal, and began to read it with his eyes.

Dear Alpha Colton,

We would like to inform you an upcoming ball that will be held three days from now.

Our Alpha, Alpha Draco, wanted to discuss some things that matters you. RSVP.

Sincerely yours,
Teardrop Pack's beta, Jamie


"Alpha." Justin greeted formally. "We have company."

Curt looked up from his phone. He was currently playing Candy crush, and his beta disturbed his chance from advancing on the next level. "It better be someone important." Justin grinned and nodded. "Give me a minute. Entertain them if you want."

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