Tell me a story

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A petite woman, so ravishing and beautiful to look at; people dared to commit every sin you can name just to be blessed with the goddess' beauty—enthralling yet cunning. The turn of heads toward the path she walked on is the clear indication she indeed is a sight to behold. Men, ogling every specification their eyes can get, even the deepest details their eye balls can reach just to satisfy their sight.

Killer heels, clicking every time she step foot on every marbled floors, tiled together with cement, were to be heard from the never ending library. The whole place is oddly quiet today, maybe because of the fact a complete stranger in town came walking in like she owns the place.


The only word that flows through every silhouette that follows the direction of her route. The lingering eyes that stared shamelessly at her back was paid no attention by her, instead she walked straight towards the staircase as she ascend gracefully with every step. The top floor is evacuated by everyone, in short the place looks haunted. Lining of shelves are covered with fake webs and fake spiders.

Is it holloween? No it's the very first week of September. Too early for the celebration.

As she stared at the placard saying 'Horror and Supernatural Section', now she understood why. The whole room gives a vibe of fear and horror.

How charming.

She started walking and entered the Supernatural section. It was odd of her to pay the local library a visit. First, she's not very fond of books. Second, she neither reads fan-fiction nor non-fiction books, especially supernatural ones.

How odd.

She let her hand glide towards the alignment of books, until it abruptly stop. She took out the book where her perfectly manicured hand stopped and read it aloud.

"Lunacanthropy Pack."

The book looks new with the way it shined beneath the light. Without a second thought she borrowed it and went home with the same lingering eyes behind her back. After reaching the flight of stairs inside her manor, she read the book inside her office. The book cover consist of a woman who in assumption came from a tribe because of the feather on her head which may symbolize her for something, and the paint on her face. Her eyes looks hollowed and haunted. It neither contains an author, nor an address, but she put it aside and began reading.


When one can't accept the other,
You must be ready for the falter.

When one tries to break the bond, neither will live nor survive.

When someone interfered with fate,
Assume war will be at stake.

When a war is ready to come,
Someone will die at the hands of their mate.

You live, he dies. He live, you die, or both of you will suffer.

But, the witches interfered,
Instead of putting them forever into a deep slumber,
They made one, another,
And the other, someone that cannot remember, forever.

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