Chapter 5

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I was woken up a few minutes after I fell asleep when I was gently shaken awake.

"Your mom called and I answered sorry if you mind. She was just blowing up your phone and I didn't want her to be worried," Jack said cautiously hoping I wouldn't be angry.

"Thanks so much and it's fine there's nothing on there I'm hiding anyway."

"Really? So you're an open book?"

"I don't care what people say so why hide anything," I said matter-of-factly.

"Well we're here and please don't fall asleep again. It's not good if you have a concussion."

"What am I supposed to do to keep me busy so I don't fall asleep?"

"You could always text me," he said with a slight smirk

I then handed him my phone and he put his number in. I hoped out of his jeep and walked in side while trying not to fall over because I was so dizzy. I was about to fall but a pair of hands wrapped around my waist before I could actually fall.

"I got you" he whispered in my ear while standing me upright.

He then told me to hop on his back but as I refused he slung me over his shoulder.

"Stop I'm all dirty and your wearing a white shirt!" I yelled hoping I wouldn't get him super dirty.

"I don't care but if you want this to end then hope on my back" he said while setting me down.

I jumped on and handed him my key to unlock the door and told him he could put me down but he refused. I then directed him to my room and tried to remember if it was clean or not

He pushed my door open and finally set me down on my bed. He then asked if I needed anything but I simply shook my head.

ME: Thank you so much for everything tonight I didn't mean to be a pain :)

JACK: Anytime. Hey I'm driving so I'll text you when I get home but no sleeping from now till then. Okay?

ME: I promise

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2015 ⏰

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