Needless to say, I spent the rest of holiday playing quidditch and avoiding Ginny.

A few weeks later, we were in Diagon Alley with Hermione and her confused parents. They'de never been there before, most muggle raised wizards are taken to Diagon Alley by an adult who lives in the wizarding world (most of the time it was ministry workers and professors) for their first time, and they'd wanted to see it. Unfortunately, they couldn't see anything because it was designed to keep muggles out, so they spent most of their time in the Leaky Cauldron getting interrogated by a curious Mr. Weasley while Hermione went with us to get her school things.

We run into Malfoy and Lockhart, and if the day couldn't get any worse, we find out that Lockhart is our new DADA teacher. I never liked Lockhart. I'd run into him a few times at Ministry galas, and everytime he saw me he said the wrong thing. He always made sure to announce to everyone that Sirius Black was in fact my uncle and that I could be like him one day. Sprinkle in a few she killed her brothers and you get the point. No one seemed to correct him or even care because they were too busy licking his boots because he wrote a few books about some things that nobody can prove he did.

It was quite disgusting how they worship him. His smile makes me want to barf, and his fashion sense is nonexistent. Not even a blind man would choose something I know, and I know quite a few blind people who are always dressed impeccably. He chooses to make himself look like an idiot. Not that I care. It represents him perfectly.

The rest of the day was fine. In fact, the rest of the holiday went smoothly. Yes, It was only two days, but nothing really happened. Then, we got on the train to Hogwarts.

Well, most of us got on the train. Harry and Ron never did. In fact, I don't think they ever got through the barrier. The train has already left the station. I just hope they don't do anything stupid. Anyway, back to me. I didn't know what they're doing, but I know what I was.

I was in a compartment with Hermione, Neville, Lucy, and, to my dismay, Ginny. She'd followed me into the compartment probably hoping Harry would be there. Well, joke's on her. He never came, but I guess joke's on me to. I have to deal with her for five hours. At least we weren't on a muggle train. It would've taken about 10 hours. Its a little relieving that this is the longest I'm obligated to talk to her for the entire year.

The train ride was excruciatingly slow. We spent half the time wondering where Harry and Ron were and the rest trying to find something to do. We ate a lot of candy courtesy of me because I brought enough money for three people. I ended up trying to play a game of exploding snap with Lucy and Neville, but we quickly found out that the compartment was way too small for anything. We almost burned a hole through the seats. It's not my fault that the seats were made of cheap material from a million years ago. The train needs upgrades.

Later, we got off the train, and while Ginny went to the boats and Hagrid, we went to ride in carriages drawn by creepy skeletal horses. No one else seemed to mind them, so I refrained from commenting. It wasn't necessary.

We'd gone to the tables and the first years were sorted, and when Ginny was put into Gryffindor, she thankfully didn't sit next to us. Seem she made some friends on the boat ride or something.

We ate, and talked, and Dumbledore had his speech, but Ron and Harry had yet to join us. I'd wondered where they were until I saw them after the feast getting dragged up to the common room by Professor McGonagall. It seems the did something foolish already, and classes had yet to start.

I found out later what they did, and it was in fact foolish, but I held back from the lecturing because they'd already had enough of that from Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall, Hermione, and Mrs. Weasley (the next morning). Also, yelling wasn't really my forte. I'd tried to stay away from doing so most of the time because it wasn't classy at all.

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