Past Demons

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Jay's POV: Why the fuck was this person at my door? What did they want from me? How did they find me? These are all of the questions that ran through my head as I was staring this evil person up and down. I couldn't speak because it felt like the wind had been knocked out of my chest. I couldn't move because it felt like my feet were superglued to the floor. I felt myself about to pass out. But as I was in my blank stare, Shae got my attention.

"Who is this person coming to our house Jay?" Shae said pointing towards the door. And with no hesitation the person at my door began to speak.

"Well I'm sorry for being rude but let me introduce myself. My name is James Washington. And I'm Janice's husband."

"Her what now!?! No u not cause this woman right here belongs to me. I been hitting this  right ever night for the past few months. So I know good and goddamn well that she don't want you or your dick." Shae said angrily

"Well that's not what she was saying a few years ago when I was hitting that ass from the back and she was screaming my name. JAMES! OH JAMES DON'T STOP!" He said in between laughs. And that's when Shae couldn't take his antics any longer and punched him dead in eye.

Shae POV: This nigga James has lost his mind if he think he gonna come in our house and fuck some shit up. Talking about how Jay used to moan when he hit it from the back. After I heard those words come out of his mouth, I blacked out and all I could see is red. I punched him dead in his eye. He fell to the ground. He tried his hardest to get back up but I kept kicking and punching him wherever I could. Eventually, Jay found enough strength to pull me off of him even though she had been trying over and over again. She pulled me to the couch and I began to catch my breath.

"What the hell Shae!? I understand that he offended both you and me but you nearly beat the man to his grave. And then u did it outside. If a police officer rode pass the house, you could have gotten locked up with no hesitation."

" I know baby but he should have never said what he said to begin with. And why in the hell were u married to him?! And you are supposed to be gay!! I swear you got some explaining to do and I want to here it now."

Jay's POV: I knew Shae was pissed but I didn't know she would beat the black off of the man. But I knew this day would come were I would have to explain what happened between James and I but I really didn't want that day to be today. Well I guess I gotta woman up and tell her now

" Ok well about 5 years ago I came out to my parents. And when they found out they both flipped. They kept telling me how much sin my lifestyle was and that no daughter of their's was going to be gay. So they basically toke my life into their own hands. They made me marry him even though I knew nothing about him. All they knew was that he was rich. At first the marriage was ok but I knew I would never be into him like he was into me. And then on day he just flipped on me. He started being controlling and overprotective. He wanted to know where I was going 24 hours of the days. He became obsessed over me. And one night it got even worse. I guess this particular night he was really horny or something and wanted me to give him some but i really wasn't feeling good at all. As soon as I said that, all hell broke lose. He climbed on top me and started to tear the clothes off my body. I screamed for help but no one heard my screams. He snatched my panties off and then he....and then he..." I said while tears were coming down my face.

"I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. I would have never guessed in a million years that anything like that would ever happen to you. And you never ever have to bring it up again." Shae said holding me tight.

We went back outside to see if James was still laid out on the porch but he was speeding off in his car by the time we got there. I just hope I will never have to look that man in his eyes ever again.
Was this a tear jerker or nah!? I know u would have never guess the twist. I hope yall liked this chapter and sorry it took so long to update. I ain't been busy I'm just lazy as fuck.😂 But I promise my next chapter will not take as long as this to update. Well that's is all for now. Until the next chapter😊😊😊😊

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