Novel of a Vampire 01

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First chapter of Novel of a Vampire. Also I added a song but I'm not sure it worked, it's called "Bad Boy" by Cascada <-think I spelled that right. Anyway I hope you enjoy minna!

Ch. I -Him-

I woke up to complete darkness. I sat up and looked around just to make sure I hadn't just stuffed my face in my pillow. I yawned and quickly grabbed my phone to check the time.

Well, the time certainly matched the light, it was five in the morning. I glared at nothing in particular as I turned off my phone and got up. Since it was Monday I might as well get ready for school early.

I kind of dragged myself to the window and opened the blinds a little. The only thing telling me it wasn't the middle of the night was the small light on the horizon. It wasn't really a light, more like a slightly less dark dark.

I yawned again and rubbed my eyes, looking down at myself and realising I could see perfectly fine even in the dark. I wasn't that surprised, ever since I was a kid I had been able to see well in the dark.

I turned to my closet and opened it, trying to be quiet. I grabbed the first shirt I saw, it wouldn't matter anyway. I always were a black hoodie that was on the large side. People ask me how I'm not hot in the heavy thing but I really couldn't tell the difference if I was in the Sahara or Antartica.

I threw the shirt on my bed and went to my dresser to grab a pair of jeans and some new underwear. I turned towards the door and grabbed the shirt as I walked out. I hesitated, our plumbing issue had made me want to leave my room even less as it left a nice, cold puddle of water right outside my door.

I sighed and tried to step over it with my long legs. I'm sure I looked like a weirdo but all I cared about was that I didn't get my feet wet. I walked into my bathroom that was right across from my room, my parents room door to my left.

I went in the bathroom and did my normal routine, only sort of caring about my appearance. I noticed, not for the first time, how pale I was but if you looked at my family portrait, you'd know it ran in the family.

I stepped out of the bathroom in my new pair of clothes, a white, sleeveless shirt that said the words "Want a perfect girl? ...go buy a barbie...", a pair of skinny jeans and black wooly socks. My hair was up in a messy ponytail and all I had for makeup was some lip smacker, strawberry flavoured.

I rubbed my lips together and smacked them, smiling a little. I turned to my left, out of the bathroom and into my living room. It was really a living room, kitchen and dining room but whatever.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl for some cereal. After pouring my breakfast and grabbing a spoon, I stood, leaning against a counter, eating my plain cereal. As I munched I heard some noise coming from my parents room and the sound of water hitting the floor from the plumbing.

I continued eating as my father came out in his pyjamas. When he saw me he jumped, making me smile a bit "Oh, sweetie, I didn't see you there." I just nodded, not feeling like talking. I'm not really a morning person.

He grabbed a breakfast bar from a cabinet and headed back into his room to get dressed, I'm assuming. I finished my cereal and put the bowl and spoon in the sink and headed back towards my room. I yawned and jumped onto my bed, grabbing my phone to play on until I had to go to school.

Wow, the time sure does pass fast.

I looked at the time and practically hopped up as ran to the living room. I shoved my feet into my converse and grabbed my giant black hoodie. I threw it on and grabbed my bag, throwing it over my shoulder and shoving my phone into my pocket.

"Bye mom! Bye dad!" I yelled over my shoulder as I darted down our driveway and into my car. As I drove towards my school I sighed, this day was going to be like the last, it always was. I reached the school and parked under a tree in the corner of the parking lot like I always did.

And as usual I got out easily, no cars parked around me. I heard a rumour once that it was because people thought I had "cursed the corner". I shrugged and started chewing a piece of gum I had found in my car.

I walked into the school and to my homeroom. I sat down in the back and in the corner near the window. As everyone else came in talking about random things I stared out the window, I knew no one would sit next to me.

I sat at the back because I liked it but also because I didn't want to take up four seats. The four seats around me were always empty so I sat in the corner so I only wasted two seats. The teacher soon came in and sat down at his desk.

I looked up and glanced at the teacher, Mr. Gildarts, he was probably everyone's favourite teacher, completely understandable though. I saw someone I didn't recognise next to him. He had bright pink hair and slightly tanned skin. He was dressed in clothes I'd call "typical bad boy clothes".

He was smirking but not really looking at anyone. Suddenly his gaze met mine and I saw how black his onyx eyes were. I carefully kept my expression neutral even though I had my face covered by a hood. His smirk turned more friendly as Mr. Gildarts introduced him.

"Class, this is Natsu Dragneel."

Holy cow, that took way too long to write wow. Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you later minna, arigatou for reading!

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