Guess not.

"You're going right now?" He asked, raising a brow while we both stood up.

"Uh no. First, I need new clothes to wear. Do you have any clothes that I can use?"

Pan nodded and started walking to a small tent, with me following him from behind.  We both go inside the tent and right away, Pan hands me clothes from a stick basket.  Thank God.  The last thing I want is to stay in my ragged and filthy clothing. A lot of marks were left from last night.

"This is the tent where you will be staying in." Pan asserted, and I don't reply back. Instead, I just stand there observing at the clothes he had handed me. The clothes he had given me was a maroon tank top, black leggings, and a black jacket. Hm, I wonder how he got these clothes. It was like he expected me to be here, or some other girl.

"What? No thank you?" He scoffed. Great, I am basically gonna thank a guy that kicked me in the stomach and is making me stay on this island or who knows what he'll do.

"Thanks." I said with the fakest smile.  To me, saying 'thank you' sounds too formal and actually makes it seem like I'm truly thanking him, and I don't think I should really thank Pan for anything. Speaking of Pan, he's still inside my tent as if he's waiting for something.

"So are you just gonna stand there? I'm gonna change you know." I told Pan awkwardly.

"Oh you don't want me to stay?" He teased.

I had no struggle replying with, "Get out."

Peter Pan's POV

So far, I have been watching Amanda walking through the woods in her new clothes. It is very obvious that she is lost.  Literally lost this time. I follow Amanda by going from tree to tree, hoping she doesn't see me. It was amusing to me seeing Amanda's attempt at finding the Mermaid Lagoon. She has been going in circles this whole time. Reminds me of a lost puppy.

I couldn't help but chuckle because of the obvious confusion shown on her face.  I think I chuckled too loudly because she turned around in my direction, looking scared for a moment with her wide eyes. When she brings her head up higher, she catches me sitting on top of the tree in front of her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked in displeasure.

"Just wanted to see your attempt at finding the Mermaid Lagoon." I confessed, coming down from the tree I watched her from.

"I will find the Mermaid Lagoon! I can find it all by myself." Amanda replied in a sassy tone.

I shook my head by her attitude.  "It will probably take you hours, or even days, if I don't help you."

She stopped for a moment, thinking while clenching her jaw.

"Okay, whatever. Just take me there." Amanda rolled her eyes.

We started walking with me in front of her.  I held her wrist tightly just to make sure she wouldn't plan on leaving or anything of the sort.  As we were walking, I continued looking back at her, but for no particular reason. I don't know why, but I couldn't stop turning around.  It was weird. I mean, she isn't....ugly. I would be lying if I said she was.

"Why do you keep looking at me?" She questioned, snapping me out of my thoughts. Well I'm certainly not going to say I find her attractive. Now I need to come up with a good excuse.

"There was a bug. A bug on your hair." Fuck. What kind of excuse was that!

"Sure there was." She said sarcastically.

"It's the truth. Why else would I look at you?" Well because she's fucking attractive that's why, said the annoying voice inside my head. This may sound strange, but I wish Amanda was uglier.

"I don't know. Forget that I asked." Amanda shrugged it off.

"We're almost at the Mermaid Lagoon." I said, changing the subject, hoping she will forget whatever just happened between us.

Amanda's POV

"We're almost at the Mermaid Lagoon." Pan mentioned. I could totally tell that he was trying to change the subject, but then again I did say 'Forget I asked'. I'm surprisingly alright with Pan looking at me. I wonder if he's looking at me in a good way.

Why am I even thinking about this? I shouldn't care what Pan thinks of me. I mean he's evil.....but, I hate to admit it, he's attractive. Really attractive. His accent only makes him more attractive.  But just because I'm attracted to him, does not mean I like him.  I will always remember him as the boy who kicked me in the stomach.  He is the enemy.

It's just those green eyes of his; they show evil.  But when he looked back at me, there was a strange sparkle seen in his eyes.  Whatever, it's probably the light reflection.

After a few more minutes of walking, we made it.  Finally.  The Mermaid Lagoon was way more beautiful than I expected. The Mermaid Lagoon basically looked like a beach, but a whole lot better. The water looked more magical and shimmery, if that's even possible. I might also get the opportunity to meet mermaids.  Meeting mermaids is every little girls' dream.

"Like the view?" Pan asked.

"Yes. It's breath taking." I breathed out.

"Indeed, but be careful of the mermaids." He informed me in a serious tone. Wait what? Be careful?  What the hell is that supposed to mean? Mermaids are the least of my worries.

"What do you mean be careful?"

"You see, mermaids here are dark. They are not the ones who sing and are always happy and kind. Now I'm not saying all mermaids are bad, but most of them are here in Neverland." He explained.

"Why? What makes them so bad?"

"They will drown you. They will try to lure you into the ocean. Don't fall for it." Pan told me, a serious look remaining on his face.

"I mean, if you say so." I raised my eyebrows, slightly doubtful.

"I do say so. Now, I have some business to take care of, but I will come back. Remember to be careful." He warned me once again, then suddenly vanished once I blinked. It shocked me how he disappeared into thin air like that.

My thoughts then drifted onto Pan's warning on how mermaids are dark creatures. Well damn, my dreams have basically been crushed. When I was little, I had a dream of swimming with mermaids. I know that can't happen though. First of all, I suck at swimming (in other words, I can't swim) and second, the mermaids will try to drown me, according to Pan.

Sitting down on the sand, I gazed thoroughly at the ocean. Staring at the beautiful waters and hearing the sound of crashing waves made me feel calm. That was until I saw something that nearly made my eyes pop out of my head. The heads of mermaids emerged out of the water. Three mermaids staring right into my eyes. They were all so beautiful to look at from my perspective. I could even spot their tales from behind. Going up to them is so tempting, but Pan said that they're dangerous..

But what if these mermaids are good? He had said that MOST of the mermaids on Neverland are dark, which means there are some good mermaids in Neverland. What if Pan was lying to me in the first place telling me that mermaids were dark?


Only one way to find out.

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