I knew Joey had a point. I knew that if I didn't at least try to be with Danielle that I would never get over her. I truly did feel something for her that I had never felt for someone else. I didn't know if she was the one, but it sure did feel like it.

"Your right man thanks for being there for me." I said to him causing Joey to

"Dude your my best friend, I would so anything for you." Joey slapped me on the back and stood up and looked at me. "Now let's go get you your girl, and stop all of this mushy gushy stuff. I feel like I might grow a vagina any minute now." Joey said to me causing me to laugh. He always did know how to make me laugh.

"Yeah man, let's go." I said as I got off the bed and grabbed my wallet and phone. " I" need to stop by the flower shop first though." I said to him as we walked out of my room.

I didn't know what my game plan was and I honestly didn't care at the moment. All that mattered was that I got Danielle back. Even if I had to share her at first, in the end of it all, she would be mine, and only mine.

Luke's Prov:

This week has sucked for me. Sucked not knowing what was going on with Danielle. It sucked not knowing if her and Ben were together. It sucked not to be with her like I wanted to be. It was just an all around sucky week.

So many times I picked up my phone and started to dial Danielle's number, but then I would hang up. Or start to send her a message and delete it. I really didn't know what to say at this point, but I did know I was sorry for how things went down. I was beyond pissed on Sunday, and I honestly didn't have any reason to be. I knew Danielle was with Luke and yet I still tried to get her back. Only to have her tell me that she couldn't choice.

Even though she wasn't rejecting me. It sure did feel like it. In all honesty it wasn't fair for me to make her choose, and I knew that. I knew that she still needed time to figure things out, but it sucked having to wait for her. It sucked knowing that the person you loved didn't know if they wanted to be with you.

The words part was knowing they she could be with Ben right now. That all week they could have been acting all lovey dove to one another and I was as thing of the past for her. I hated the thought of then together, I hated the thought of him having what I considered mine. But mostly I hated myself for not believing Danielle when she told me about Wendy. We could even be here if it wasn't for my stupidity. Yet here we were and I had no idea how to make things right again.

"Luke man you've been in here for hours cleaning, give it a rest." Greg said to me as he walked over to where I was. I looked down at my watch and realized it was two in the afternoon. Which meant I had been out here for four hours cleaning. I looked around and realized that did a really good job. The whole stable looked great. It's amazing what you can get done when your deep in thought.

I sat down on one of the hay stacks and took a deep breath. Greg sat down as well and patted me on the back.

"I looks great in here man. Glenda and Lisa are gonna be shocked when they see this." He complimented me, I gave him a small smile and nodded my head.

"Thanks man."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Talk about what?" I asked him.

He sighed and gave me a know in look. "Do you want to talk about why you've been mopping around all week. And why your in here cleaning." He said to me.

"I just have a lot on my mind is all."

"Translation to that is I miss Danielle, and she is all I can think about." Greg explained, I couldn't help but give a small smile to his words and nod my head.

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