Slytherin Love-Chapter Two

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I turned in a circle, my eyes scanning over everything carefully, as if I had missed something. No such luck. I studied platforms nine and ten but try as I might, there was no nine and three quarters anywhere. I walked over between the platforms and waved my arms around, as if it were invisible and I might bump into it. After a few moments of flailing around and getting some weird looks from onlookers, I blushed and realized it wasn't doing anything, except probably making me look like an idiot.

Thinking perhaps it was like those dramatic movies where the main character had to learn a lesson before discovering the big and holy secret, I closed my eyes and put my hands together in sort of a praying motion. 

"I believe." I said, and waited a bit. When nothing happened, I repeated the sentence. "I believe. I believe. IbelieveIbelieveIbelieve! For the love of all that is holy I believe!" Okay, now I was just quoting The Polar Express. Oh god, I loved that movie. I watched it every Christmas and Thanksgiving and Valentine's Day....Ah, I didn't mean to let you know that. Forget I said it.

I opened my eyes a crack. Nothing. I was a bit disappointed to see that there wasn't a magical sign with glowing lights and a finger pointing, saying: "This way! This way to Platform nine and three quarters!" Hey, I know it was cheesy, but it always worked in the movies.

Then I got the mad idea that maybe it was a door that you needed a special laser light to see, but quickly dismissed it. This was a train station, not Diagon Alley anymore. There would be no magic here.

I circled the pillars of platform nine and platform ten, my eyes searching every inch of the brick exterior, hoping to find some sort of lever or button. As expected, my efforts proved fruitless.

Determined to get to that blasted platform, I looked around for help. A little distance away I spotted a police officer patrolling the stations and saw my chance to ask for help. He worked here; he must know this train station better than anyone. Or better than me, at least.

"Excuse me," I said politely, tapping him on the arm, "could you help me find platform nine and three quarters?"

He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Um, look kid. I'm kind of busy right now, so if this is some kind of practical joke, it's not funny." He scolded, then turned away.

"Sir," I said, stepping in front of him. "I'm not pulling a prank. Look at my ticket." I showed him the fancy gold pass that was my only hope of reaching the magical school. He took it and studied it closely, then snorted and handed it back to me.

"The station doesn't make those kinds of tickets. Now run along to your parents and stop bothering me." He walked away without a second glance.

I was baffled. How could he not believe me? I sighed and looked again at the ticket in my hand. Come to think of it, it was pretty far-fetched. If I was in his shoes, I'd think I was crazy too. I mean, whoever heard of a platform nine and three quarters? My mother and father were no help either. They suggested asking for directions from someone else, but I didn't want any more strange looks.

I glanced at the clock nervously. It said five minutes to eleven. I had little time, and being late on my first day wouldn't be good on my record. I leaned my side against a pillar, trying to think of a way to get in this "magical" platform. But as soon as my shoulder touched it, I found myself suddenly tumbling through the air and falling on the ground, hard. Grumbling about all things that could go wrong, I got up and dusted myself off.

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