Chapter 5

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Waking up, you stretch, feeling rested. Then you see Sam asleep beside you, and you scream, flying out of the bed, grabbing your gun, and pointing it at Sam. Sam sits up, just as Dean rushes into the room.

Taking in the situation, Dean tries to reason with you. "Y/N, it's okay, you're in the bunker. Please put the gun down, this is Sam, not that demon."

Putting the gun down, you start sobbing. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, Sam, I'm so sorry."

"It's alright, we will figure this out." He tells you. Sam and Dean leave you alone, and you change, walking into the kitchen. Dean hands you a cup of coffee, and the three of you eat in silence.

"What's the plan for today?" You ask, putting your cereal bowl in the dishwasher.

Dean followed suit, them stood at the door. "Sam and I have a case, so we figured you could stay here and rest while we deal with it. Should be back by tonight."

"No I want to go, it would be better to get my mind off of things." You argue.

Sam stands up. "Fine, you can go."

Quickly gathering your items, you all meet at the Impala, and you climb into the back. "What's the case anyways?" You ask.

Sam and Dean share glances, "Demons. Sure you still want to go?"

"Yeah." You tell them. You knew they were worried because it was demons, but you hated the bastards more than ever, and we're ready for them to die.

Dean drives the Impala, and within an hour, you have reached your destination, an old house in the middle of nowhere.

"They say kids are brought out here, and tortured, before being killed. All they could find was a weird yellow substance on the windows. We think they are holding at least one kid in there right now." Dean informs you, handing you the Demon knife.

You follow them up the porch, into an empty room. Sam takes the top floor, and you stay with Dean. You still didn't trust yourself around Sam after this morning.

Heading towards the back of the house, you hear sobbing. Opening the door, you see a kid tied to a chair, his face bloody.

"Shh, I'm here to help you," You whisper to him, cutting the ropes. He wraps around your neck, almost choking you. You meet Dean in the hallway. "I'm going to place him in the car, be right back." Dean nods at you, and you walk back outside, telling the kid to stay quiet, and you'd be right back. He agrees, and you turn to walk back in, but Crowley is in front of you.

"I've missed you darling." He says, before everything goes black.


You wake up quickly, and realize you are now tied to a chair, in a room in that old house. Crowley walks in with a couple of demons following him.

"I knew you and the boys wouldn't be able to resist this hunt." He says, coming closer. "I've got a surprise for you."

The demons behind him stepped out of the shadow, showing two Sams. "Take your pick. One is the real Sam, the other is your Sam from hell. I'm going to give you your demon blade back, and you have to kill one. Make the wrong move, your lover is dead. The right move, you have revenge. Pick wisely," he tells you, undoing your ropes. He places the knife in your hand, and you step towards both Sams. Knowing it would be foolish to try and kill Crowley, you try to spot a difference between the Sams.

"Sweetheart, it's me, you know I'm the real Sam. He's the one you want to kill," Sam on the right tells you.

You look at Sam on the left. He is staring at you with tears in his beautiful hazel eyes. "I know you will make the right choice. I love you Y/N, no matter what happens."

You close your eyes, and take a deep breath, before stabbing the Sam on the right. You breathe a sigh of relief as he flashes orange, before dying.

"Well, well, better job than I expected," Crowley claps behind you.

"Now what? Let Sam go!" You demand.

"I don't think so." Crowley says, but before he could take a step towards you, Dean rushes into the room, instantly killing one of the demons. You stab the other one, and turn to attack Crowley, but he vanished.

You rush over to Sam, throwing your arms around him. He hesitates, then returns the hug, holding you closer when you don't flinch.

"I knew you would make the right choice," he whispers into your ear.

Dean looks around the room. "This is interesting. Sam, there's two of you!"

"Yeah Y/N got to fight her demons." Sam told him, and you realized it was true. Seeing both Sam's together, you realized the demon Sam had been missing Sam's heart, his pure and loving soul. Being able to kill that demon, your soul had healed, and you were no longer afraid. Stepping up on your tip toes, you press your lips against his, and groan in pleasure as he runs his hands through your hair.

"I love you so much Y/N," he whispers, with love shining in his eyes.

"I love you too."

He take your hand, his smile growing as you no longer flinch from his touch. Dean looks between you, glad that his brother, and his best friend are once again happy.

"Let's go home," You tell them.

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