chapter 19 - Mommy Dearest

Start from the beginning

Crowley: (voice over from 6.10 Caged Heat) "Not only did you kill Brett Blake for me to bring Catty Winchester back into the hunting fold, but when you poisoned her, the toxin you gave her has kept her so angry this entire time, so bloodthirsty, so cold and numb to who she is. I have her right where I want her."

From 6.11 "Appointment in Samarra", outside Crowley's Monster Prison, by Catty's Mustang, Catty looked at Castiel. "All I know is that I didn't feel for him what I felt for someone else."

Castiel looked as if he already knew the answer. "Who is this 'someone else'?"

Catty looked at Castiel for a moment, pulling him into a kiss for a long moment, pulling away, breathing only slightly heavily, opening her eyes, looking up at Castiel.

Catty: (voice over from 6.11 Appointment in Samarra) "That answer enough for you?"

In Catty's Mustang, Catty smiled, pulling Castiel into a kiss, rolling him onto the seat instead of her, kissing him for a long few moments. Catty's hand streaked along the condensation-coated window.

From 6.11 "Appointment in Samarra", outside Catty pushed away from the car, looking at Castiel, stepping closer. "Let me ask you something, Cas. Do you regret it?"

"No," Castiel answered. "Do you?"

Catty looked at Castiel for a moment, kissing him slowly as an answer, pulling away.

From 6.12 "Like a Virgin", in the library, Catty sighed, standing. I'm telling you the truth, Cas. I'm feeling better. But it's not just because of killing a prison full of monsters." Castiel looked at Catty in understanding. "Thanks. Just for... literally... being the only one that didn't treat me like glass that was gonna break. And just for... being you."

Catty smiled more convincingly. Castiel returned the smile.

From 6.03 "The Third One", in Sam's hotel room, Sam walked closer to Octavia, not seeming as emotionless as he had been since the beginning, acting like the old Sam. Sam trailed his lip along Octavia's bare neck. Octavia was trying not to show a reaction, taking a quiet breath, smirking, pressing her lips together. Sam pulled back. Octavia took a deep breath.

From 6.12 "Like a Virgin", in the motel room, Octavia stepped closer to Sam, leaning closer to kiss Sam for a long moment, surprising him, pulling back. She leaned back against the table behind her.

Sam looked up. "Ava, you and me..."

"Wouldn't say it was anything serious, because you didn't have a soul, and, uh, I wasn't the only one, but, uh... you could say that," Octavia told him.

Sam took a deep breath, nodding. "Tell me more."

"No," Octavia told him.

"What?" Sam asked. "Why not?"

"Sam, you don't know for a reason, and I'm guessing it's because Dean and Catty found some way to protect you from your memories of the Cage, and while doing so, it made you forget the last year," Octavia told him. 

From 6.13 "Unforgiven", in the abandoned house, Sam fell to the floor, seizing. Dean and Catty ran over to Sam, kneeling next to him. Sam's eyes were open, but unseeing.

From 6.13 "Unforgiven", in Sam's flashback of Hell, Sam was standing in the cage, burning, screaming in agony.

Octavia: (voice over from 6.12 Like a Virgin) "I'm not gonna tell you anymore when it could ruin that and have it all tumbling back, because you could get a fate worse than death."

From 6.10 "Caged Heat", in Crowley's Monster Prison, Sam used a pipe to hit Crowley across the head, making him fall to the floor. Crowley used Catty's Knife to point at Meg. Sam, Catty, Ness and Dean were pinned to each of the four walls of the room with magic. Castiel appeared in front of Catty, holding a bag in hand. Octavia stepped into the room from nearby Sam, looking at Crowley.

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