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Hey, srry i havent been on so long, i havent had a lot of time but yea! Enjoy!!!


Dominic's POV

My eyes shot open. Something was wrong. I could sense it. I got of my chair and looked at the time- 6:27 am. At times like this I wish I could sleep. I put on black skinny jeans, and a navy blue T-shirt with some black vans. I went to look out my window, when I got a call from Will. "Hello?" I murmered. "WE NEED YOU DOWN AT OUR PLACE IMMEIDIATLEY! BRING ALICE AND SAGE!" said Will quickly then he hanged up..... What? Why?  I slowly got up from my chair and and walked to Sage's room. Her room was all pink and Green. Super girly and fluffly. KNOCK KNOCK! To my surprise Sage didn't answer the door. It was some girl. She had black curly hair that went just below her shoulder. She ws about 5 feet tall. But... her eyes were black. Pitch Black.  They had a wild look as she grabed me around the neck and pinned me to the ground. " Get off of me and who are you!" I growled. She just glared at me. I don't think she realized that i could like completly see her boobs. I looked up to see Sage. She had a calm look on her face. "Help me..." I murmered. Sage had the power of plants/growth. I looked back at the girl, staring into her eyes. I had the power of energy. For instance, i concentrate all my energy on one person or thing and a i will them to do anything I please, including death.(Get off of me and stand away) I willed her to stop. I opened my eyes, too see her shaking and slowly rising. She looked like a zombie. (Stop) She blinked wildley. She took a step, she looked around. She was completely unaware what just happened. "He is just my brother." Sage said like water. The girl fixed her shirt and her hair. "Sorry about that my name is Ashley." She smiled. "Dominic." I said. "Umm Sage I need you to come with me to Will's."  I glanced over to her. "Ok me and Ashley will be waiting downstairs." she said rather quickley. She grabed Ashley's hand and ran out of the room. Why was Ashley going? I slowly walked out of the room. I tip toed over to Alice's room. Her door was open. I looked in, and she wasn't there. A lump of fear filled my head. "Come on aren't we going to Will's?" I turned around to see Alice. "Yea! Come on." I whispered. We ran downstairs. Sage was waiting down there with that girl. " Why is she coming?" I said. "Cause she is part of the family now." Said Sage. "When...." I stopped. Not worth it. We ran over to the meeting place by the river. The river, was the one thing tht separated us. If any vampire touches this water, they will instantley turn to the last thought in their head or their worst fear.... It was the same with werewolves. Me in the front and the two girls in the back, oh wait i mean three. I saw Erica in her human form and Johana in her wolf form. Erica came to the edge of the river and jumped over towards us. She landed in a perfect stance. Crying. Why was she crying? "Will....." She began to sob. Alice had the power of Past and future. If touches you she casn instantley see your past. If she touches your ear she can instantley see your future. Alice emerged from behind me and touched erica on the shoulder. Alice's head shot up and looked straigth sorta in a daze. Erica looked up at Alice with a completely and utterley confused expression. She stopped crying and only sme tears strode down her face. Alice blinked and then looked at me. "Will is dead." She whispered. "That is impossible! i just talked to him this morning!" What the fuck. "When Will told you to come."Erica studered. " I was with him, he was badley wounded from a fight in the woods with another creature. It was holding Sam on it's back and it knocked out Nick whitch sent signals to Will." "Then when Will went..." She stopped. Annd began sniffling again. "Nick got possesed, and attacted him along with the creature." "The creature stabbed him when he waas down." She began to cry harder. " When i finally caught up to his sent." She sobbed. "I saw him getting pushed into this river and Nick was taken with the creature as well." She looked up at our faces. Sam is gone. Sam is gone!! Oh my good lord! I am gonna rip that things head off and pee on it when I find it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " We will help you find Sam and Nick if it is the last thing I do." I said firmly. She smiled at me. "ok lets get to work then." i turned around to see what the group thought and well they all just smiled and nodded. "LETS DO THIS!" I growled.

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