Chapter 17-I Still Love You

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"You mean John? He's the sweetest! You would like him! I actually have a date with him tonight! You can stay here if you like cause I know you came to see me."

Yeah, like I really would like him.

"Great! So I'll get to meet him?"

"Of course!" She beams at me and leads me into the house.

Finn comes running to greet Elle. I laugh as the two tackle each other. This house is still the same. Same smell, same feel. I walk into the guest bedroom and smile at Amanda.

"Thanks for letting me stay Amanda."

"No problem" she smiles"I'll be getting ready for my date tonight! If you need anything, just ask Mel."

I nod at her and change into my pajamas.

Amanda's POV

I quickly pull out a white dress with three see through black stripes, circling the bottom. I straighten my hair and put mascara and lipstick on. I walk out of my room to see Eddie in plaid flannel pants with no shirt on flipping through the channels. Oui, he's still hot. I laugh at myself. Of course he is. He looks up at me.

"You look gorgeous." He smiles and I blush.

"Thank you! I'll see you later!" I kiss his cheek.

Melanie rushes to the door before I exit "How are you going on a date, when you have a hot guy on your couch."

"Mel!" I gasp "I never knew you could fall for a thirty year old guy!"

"Oh please, I'm just saying he's that dream boy you've always wished for."

I blush "I gotta go Mel! Take care of him!"

"I will!"

I start my car and drive to the restaurant. I grasp my bag and walk into the in. John stands there in a suit and a rose.

"Hey John! How are you?" I hug him and he gives me the rose.

"Great! You look stunning!" He flashes me a smile and my stomach churns.

The waiter seats us and we make small talk. After ten minutes our food comes. He's the sweetest. He excuses himself right before dessert. I sit there and scroll through my phone. I start to get suspicious after another five minutes so I look around the restaurant. There's John, near the bathroom. Making out with some brunette. So this is how it ends. I get cheated on, on our first date. Furry overwhelms me as I slap his face, leaving him dazed and confused. I angrily grip the steering wheel. How could I believe him? He only wanted me for fame and money. I drive home with tears in my eyes. How is it that I always get cheated on? It's always ME. The rain pours down heavily as I run to the front door. I barge in and stumble onto the couch. I cry my eyes out. This is how it always ends.

Eddie's POV

The loud thunder wakes me up as I look through the window and lightning flashes. I groggily rub my eyes. The lights in the house are on. I hear light sobs coming from outside. I peak out the door and see Amanda's laying on the couch with her face buried in a pillow, crying. I frown as I sit next to her on the couch. She immediately envelops me into a hug. Her hair and dress are wet and she's shivering. I hold her and we rock back and forth. I lift her up and carry her up into her bedroom. We both plop on her bed.

"Why is it me that always gets cheated on?" She whispers softly as she hiccups.

"That bastard cheated on you?" I frown.

She doesn't answer.

"I'll go kill him for you if you want."

She shakes her head "It's no use. You did it too."

I sigh "I swear I didn't Amanda! It was Hannah! I love you and I always will."

"I forgive you, but you have a girlfriend to tend to back in London."

"Well, that's going to end right now."

She gives me a questioning look. I pull out my phone and dial Chloe's number.

"Hey Chloe. It's over. I'm in love with someone else and you can't stop me this time."

"Excuse you? You can't fucking break up with me! You love me!"

"You heard me its O-V-E-R, OVER! Bye princess!" I hang up.

Amanda looks at me and our lips crash together. This is crazy. I've waited for this for awhile.

"I love you, Eddie."

"I love you too, Amanda."


THE END! JUST KIDDING! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!I'm so bad at tricking you people. I used to have a labradoodle by the way. His name was Cody and he was adorable! He died two years ago:'(17 comments and 17 votes!





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