Chapter Sixty One

Depuis le début

"It's the best place to start," said Draco, taking a deep breath, shaking out his limbs and holding his wand up in front of him.

The noise around them seemed to bring Alex back to his senses, and for the first time since Godric was murdered he moved of his own accord. He grabbed Harry t-shirt, and looked straight into his eyes.

"You can do this, " he breathed, his face shining in the moonlight. "I have every faith in you, so don't you doubt you can end this, once and for all."

Harry nodded, fear and dread cold in his belly. "For Godric," he said.

"For everyone," replied Alex.

Seamus suddenly cried out and fired out a spell from his wand. One of the Rhansyk had evidently spotted them and charged, but fortunately Seamus had stopped him in time. Unfortunately, several other Rhansyk had now spied their little cluster, and were already barrelling towards them.

Draco and Hermione moved to Seamus' side, shooting out a volley of magic to tear the Rhansyk down. Draco's slashing spell was good but only if he got a clean shot. Hermione and Seamus were sticking more with big, exploding sorts of curses. "We'll cover you," shouted Seamus as the three of them already began moving away from the house. "You need to make a run for it!"

A group of wizards and Romans had noticed their plight and were already heading over to help, wands and swords at the ready. Draco looked over his shoulder once, and gave Harry a nod, before surging forward into the throng.

Harry wanted to shout at them to stop, that they should stay together, but they had wasted enough time already. He grabbed Alex's arm and the two of them ran around the trees and statues, away from his friends. His stomach flipped, worried for their safety, but no one would be safe if he couldn't stop Voldemort.

"You need to hide," he told his Watcher as they stumbled to a halt behind a bush for a moment of peace.

"What?" said Alex, taking Harry in and blinking rapidly. "No, no, what are you talking about I can't leave you alone."

"This is my fight," insisted Harry. "You're not a wizard and you're not a soldier, you'll be a sitting duck."

Alex shook his head. "You need me, how else will you know if the Horcrux has been destroyed?"

Harry couldn't help but feel a flutter of gratitude in his chest. "I'll just take my chances," he said firmly.

But Alex was still shaking his head, old tears pooling in his eyes but he didn't seem to notice them now. "No, no," he said again. "It's my fault as much as yours this mess, I should have been able to fix it, to help you more-"

Harry took his shoulder and interrupted him. "Alex," he said. "You did all you could, I know that. And I'm not letting you kill yourself over guilt and grief."

"Kill myself?" Alex frowned, fixing Harry with a stare. "Whoever said anything about dying?" he asked, his right eyebrow twitching, a ghost of a smile at the edge of his lips. "I have no intention of doing something so stupid. Get me something I can swing."

Harry couldn't help the smile on his own face. "If you're sure?" Alex rubbed his fingers over his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Couldn't stop me if you tried," he said, and nodded.

Harry looked around, and grabbed a branch off of the nearest tree, ripping it off of the trunk. He stared at it, trying to think of the right transfiguration spell. "Stipesium," he said, hoping he was right, but he needn't have worried. The branch thickened and changed, become a rough and unpolished, but very solid looking cricket bat. Alex took it with a watery grin.

The Dream Trilogy Book Three: What Dreams May Come (A Harry Potter FanFiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant