Lauren sighed softly, sitting back in the car for a moment and gazing up at the sky. They were just beginning to get into a routine and she couldn't be happier with the way her life was turning out. The buzzing of her phone interrupted her thoughts.

[My Girl - 8:34] i forgot to say i love you

[My Girl - 8:34] i never forget in my head though

[My Girl - 8:35] but i love you a lot

Lauren giggled, sending Camila back a series of heart emojis before locking her phone and heading back to the house.


[[trigger warning - implied violence -  something does happen in this chapter, i'm just warning you ahead of time so you're not completely shocked. i love you.]]

It's funny how things fall apart so unexpectedly.

After dropping Camila off at work, Lauren made her makeshift office at their newly purchased kitchen table and got right to work.

The green eyed girl enjoyed her job. She and Toby got assigned a lot of projects together, and they had no problem meeting deadlines and coming up with ideas.

She was thankful to have the flexibility of her job, too. Both she and Toby got to give a lot of input, which was all taken seriously. She'd heard horror stories of graphic designers being doomed to spend their entire careers whitening teeth in Photoshop, but luckily that wasn't the case for her.

Currently, she was on the phone with Toby, working on a brochure they had been assigned to finish for a haunted house. She sat back in her chair, feet propped up on the table with her laptop on her lap.

"Pumpkins aren't scary," Lauren laughed, rolling her eyes and leaning forward to glance at her emails. "It's supposed to be the 'scariest night of your life.' I don't think pumpkins are going to convince people of that."

"Luke is scared of pumpkins," Toby argued. "He totally burst into tears when we tried to take a picture on the front porch because there was a pumpkin next to him."

"Is Luke going to the haunted house?" Lauren raised an eyebrow. Silence.

"Didn't think so," she laughed and scanned the email once more. "What about zombies?"

"I know! I can be little bo peep and Lucas can be my sheep!" Maia's voice could be heard in the background, and Lauren rolled her eyes half-heartedly.

"Sheep are lame," Toby scoffed, becoming distracted by his wife. "I say we dress him up as a bodybuilder. We can give em' fake tattoos and everything."

"Toby! We are not dressing our son up as a bodybuilder for his first Halloween!" Maia laughed. Lauren held her phone against her ear with her shoulder and scanned through her emails.

"Ow!" Toby whined on the other line. "That hurt!"

"It was a diaper, get over it," Maia giggled. Lauren rolled her eyes when she heard Toby gasp.

"Was it dirty?! Maia! You c-,"

"It wasn't dirty, you idiot," Maia laughed. "Now take the baby so I can get his lunch ready."

"I'm working here," Toby muttered half-heartedly.

"Doesn't look like there's much work getting done," Maia snapped back jokingly. Lauren heard rustling on the other line that signaled that Lucas had been passed off to Toby.

"Lauren, come on, what's so bad about a bodybuilder?" Toby turned his attention back to the phone. This time, though, Lauren was the distracted one. She heard a faint noise coming from the other room and furrowed her eyebrows.

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