Chapter Four//

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I don't really remember how long I had continued to go along. But when i finally realized what i was doing, i instantly regretted it. It wasnt Lukes fault though. I led him on. But he was an ass. But i didnt need to be one back like i was. My thoughts were clouding around and i pulled away from him.

"Luke I can't. You were an ass. And I really like Peyton. He shouldnt have beat you up, but you threw first and your also in the wrong. I shouldnt have led you on. That was my fault. And im sorry." I sighed and left the room quickly.

"Katherine! You cant do that!" I hear him shout but i keep walking.

Why did i have to listen to Claire. I shouldve just ignored him. But i had to go and make him jealous and lead him on.

'Stop it Katherine!' I tell myself.

'He was an ass to you! you were just getting back at him'

But that didnt seem to help the butterflys that errupted in my stomach when he kissed me. I couldnt deny it. I couldnt ignore it.

I tried to convince myself that it was just because he was a celebrity and that hes been my celebrity crush since i was 13.

Yeah, thats it.

I attempted to push the thoughts away from my mind but i couldnt.

Why did it have to feel so right, but be so wrong?

My life seemed like a movie.

I almost laughed at the thought.

MY life a movie?

I guess i would have thought the same thing a week ago when i heard they were coming to my school.

Trying to find Claire was impossible.

I sighed.

I was stuck here.

No friends.

No boyfriend.

No transportation.

"Need a ride?" I turn and notice Luke.

"N-no I-"

"I'm not gonna kiss you Rose. I just want to talk to you. I saw Ashton with your friend- they wont be down for a while." He says.

Why do i have to make stupid decisons.

"Yeah, okay." I smiled slightly and rubbed a hand up my arm in hopes of warmth.

"Here." Luke said slipping off his leather jacket and putting it over my bare shoulders.


He smiled slightly and walked me to the car opening my door.

My head was spinning.

Was he an ass or was he sweet?

This boy confuses me.

The ride was filled with awkward silence.

"I just want you to know- you dont understand." He says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I cant tell you. Just know that." He sighs.

"Why can't you tell me?" I ask softly.

"Katherine, I just can't." He sighs pulling up to my house.

"Luke, please dont do this. Please just tell me." I ask.

He rolls his eyes and leans over me and opens the car door.


"Katherine! I said i couldnt tell you anything. Stop being so nosey and get out of the damn car! Just leave Katherine. God I don't know why I kissed you!" He shouts.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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