Chapter One//

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"She looks so perfect standing there in my American apparel underwear-" my alarm rings and i clamp a hand over the off button.
"Yeah I wish." I mutter and climb out of bed.
Mondays. They make me want to through a lamp at my head. I really don't understand school, why we have it, or why people that will never see me again after a year get to assign me stuff and control me.
I shake my head and trudge to the bathroom to get ready.
I wash my face, brush my teeth, put on makeup, and straighten my hair. Once I give myself an approving nod I head to my closet.
I grab a pair of skinny jeans, a blue T-shirt with the Colorado flag on it, and my black converse.
"Katherine! Your gonna miss your bus!" My mother yells and I roll my eyes.
"I'm coming!" Geez.
I grab my backpack, spray some perfume and head downstairs while I shove my phone in my back pocket.
I smile at the bus driver and head to the back of the bus where I sit.
"I can't believe the hottest band in the world is coming to our school!" Some girl I've never seen before screeches.
I roll my eyes and continue walking.
"You heard it too." My best friend Claire says as I sit in the seat across from her.
"The whole 'hottest band in the world our school thing'" Claire says rolling her eyes.
She's not very big on bands at all. While I on the other hand am like madly in love with 5 seconds of summer.
I shrug.
"Probably a rumor- either that or she smoked something before getting on this bus." I shake my head and Claire laughs.
The moment we step through the school doors everybody is crowded around the table we usually sit at.
I attempt to push my way through. That doesn't happen though.
"Yeah nice try!" Some girl with really short shorts may I add sneers at me.
"Damn..pushy." Claire says from behind me.
I laugh and nod as we make our way to a different table waiting to be dismissed to class.
"You have got to be kidding me!" I screech as I notice MORE people crowded around my locker.
"Oh my lord." Claire says and rolls her eyes.
I stand on top of one of the benches in the hallway and yell,
"Hey!" At the top of my lunges.
I have a very loud voice when I want too.
All heads turn to me and that's when I realize..the person standing at my locker is no other then...
Luke Hemmings. 5sos lead singer. And the kid I've called hot so many times I couldn't count.
"Holy shit." Claire breaths next to me.
She may not like bands but when you look at Luke Hemmings in person...damn.
"I don't really care WHY your crowed around my locker but you need to move! Don't you have classes to get to?!" I shout and everybody disperses into the hallway.
I hop down from the bench and walk over to my locker.
"Gosh, your rude." I hear a voice next to me and I already know who's it is.
"I'm sorry?" I ask and turn so I'm face to face with Luke Hemmings. Still so unreal.
"They just wanted to say hi, I mean look at me." He smirks.
"Oh what an ass. You can have him Katherine." Claire says and walks away.
He flips her off and my jaw drops.
"Uhm...okay. THAT was un-called for." I roll my eyes and turn back to my locker.
He shrugs.
"Oh well, she didn't see it she will never know." He says.
"I'm her best friend, she'll find out." I say.
"Oh darn- what will I ever do when she finds out." He says sarcastically.
"Your an ass. Your not at all who I thought you were." I say slamming my locker shut.
"Oh poor baby. Thought the rock star was the nicest guy on the planet. There's no management to control me here." He smirks.
"Your such a smart ass." I roll my eyes and walk away.
"Your a fan arnt you." He shouts and I ignore him.
He laughs.
"This should be fun." And I walk away before he gets another word in.
Hey guys! First chapter. I don't think Luke would act this way in person AT ALL. It's just a story.

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