To AryanCoconut840: Looks like fun! Send me more ;)

It was only a few seconds after sending him the Snapchat, that I was getting bombarded by picture after goofy picture of Armin. I decided to start Snapchatting the blonde with random pictures of Mikasa driving, and me making silly faces. I started to giggle into the phone, then I decided to turn on the radio in the truck. I searched on each station, until I finally found the song "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons. I took my phone and opened up the video setting on Snapchat. "Hey, sing along to the song. I'm sending a video to Armin." I looked over at Mikasa. She jokingly rolled her eyes, but gave into my request. I turned up the volume on the radio, and then Mikasa and I started belting the lyrics into the phone. After we were done, I sent the video to the blonde, and not a minute later, he had sent me a video with him continuing the song. I sent a picture of me smiling, and rolling my eyes at him and captioned it, 

To AryanCoconut840: You dork ;) I already miss you...:(

From AryanCoconut840: Same here! 1 more week! :)

To AryanCoconut840: Skype tonight?!? ;)

From AryanCoconut840: Sounds like a date! ;)

I grinned at the thought of being able to see Armin tonight. I didn't think that it would be this difficult not seeing my best friend for a week and a half, but it was proving to be pretty lonely without him by my side. Mikasa and I kept driving for about one more hour, until I felt the truck come to a complete stop. "We're here." Mikasa looked over at me. I took a deep breath in and tried to calm myself. We grabbed our luggage from the back, then started to walk inside the house. Just traveling those few steps to the door was agonizingly painful. 

The stench of cigarettes filled my nostrils the second I stepped through the door. "Hello? We're home!" Mikasa's voice echoed throughout the small house. "Maybe he's not home?" I inquired. Mikasa shrugged her shoulders and entered the living room. "Well, lets go put our stuff in our rooms." Mikasa started walking towards her old room, and I took that as a signal to do the same. Everything was in the same place as I had left it the last time I was here. The tan walls still had all of my Supernatural posters on them, and my old cracked mirror was still in the same position I had left it after one of my fights with my dad. I put all of my clothes in the abandoned shelves, and after I was done, I just flopped down on my old bed. I stared up at the ceiling for the longest time, until I heard my bedroom door creak open. Mikasa was standing there, with her hand on her hip, "Alright Eren, do you want to talk now?" She questioned me. I resided to look back up at the white paint on my ceiling, until I finally nodded my head at the raven haired girl. 

I started to tell her about what happened five nights ago. How Armin let me steal his first kiss, and how the tingling sensation came about. I felt like we were in high school again, sitting on the floor and talking about our problems. We did this for many countless nights, especially after my mom died. She was one of the first people that I ever opened up to. All of the pressing thoughts in my head just seemed to come streaming out when I talked to Mikasa. She took everything that I said very seriously. She wouldn't joke about something that I was internally freaking out over. "It's just, I can't explain why I felt like that, or why I wanted to kiss him back. Am I going insane Mikasa?" I looked at the raven haired girl. She chuckled a little at me being melodramatic. "You're not going insane Eren. But I do have to ask you something." My heart started to beat a little faster at those words. It either meant something good or the total opposite. "Shoot." I said to Mikasa. She took a deep breath and tried to find her own words. "D-Do you think that you might have the slightest fascination with Armin?" I gave her a questioning glance. "What do you mean?" I asked her. Mikasa then rolled her eyes at me and said, "I swear, I love you Eren, but you need to start getting hints. What I'm trying to say, is do you think that you might have the smallest crush on Armin? It's okay if you do, but if you don't realize it for yourself sometime soon, then we're going to have a problem." 

Almost NormalМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя