Chapter 5

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Nicki took her bags and went in her way to find her brother. She had just landed in New York and was here for a few days to see her brother. She hadn't had the chance to see her family in a while and since it was only her, her sister and her brother left, they had to stay as close as they could. She walked out of the airport and found him stood leaning against his car. She ran up to him and they shared an embrace that they held for a little while.

Nicki: I've missed you so much Kai

Kai: I miss you too nic, how have you been

Nicki: I've been good and yourself

Kai: I've been great.

He helped with getting her bags into his car before driving her back to his condo. When they got there he helped her get settled into one of the guest rooms before they just went to his kitchen and he made her a drink.

Nicki: when does Lani arrive

Kai looked at the clock before replying.

Kai: in about an hour, so I'll be out to pick her up too

He rolled his eyes.

Nicki: well we would've organised to arrive at the same time but then that would the surprise

Kai: fair enough. She's gonna be so happy to see you

Nicki: I bet. I've missed her so much

Kai: It's been so long since we last got a chance to all hang out and see each other.

Nicki: it really has...

Kai had just arrived back at his condo with Lani and Nicki was in the guest bedroom waiting for Lani to walk in. And when she did surprised was an understatement. Both girls ran into each other's arms and shared a tight embrace and the tears soon followed.

Kai: why don't I get greeted like this

They all chuckled.

Nicki: I've missed you so much Lani

Lani: you too nic,

They shared another hug and Kai went and joined this time round.


Lani: are you still with James

They were now out at an Italian restaurant for dinner as they were about to head out clubbing for the night.

Nicki: nope. I was never really with him any way. We went on a few dates but we never really made it all that official. That boat sunk a while ago

Kai: so who's been keeping you so happy cause whoever he is I like him

Nicki: who said there was someone

Lani: there definitely is someone

Nicki just kissed her teeth and smirked a little.

Nicki: well I'm not with anyone. Well it depends how you look at it. We're not dating, it's more of a friends with benefits situation. Like we've done everything but with no strings attached

Lani: wait so

Kai: you're not together, but you two have like done it all

Nicki: yup. We just don't want to be serious cause neither of us are ready for a serious relationship where we settle down. He's a bit of a player too to be honest

Lani: but what if you fall for one another.

Nicki: then you've lost the game

Kai: so you two are messing with each other to see who catches on first

Dance For Me; A Dricki StoryWhere stories live. Discover now