~Through the years~

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(A/n this is gonna be your and Nicks main points in your relationship)

Daycare (ages 5 & 4)
Your mom had put you in Daycare every since she got her new job. She's always working now. Anyways, since your new to the Daycare you don't know anybody so you had to play alone. You were sitting playing with Legos. You didn't like girly stuff really. You would build up Lego towers then knock them down. You continued doing that when a little boy walked up to you. "Hi ! I'm Nick and I'm five" he said showing five fingers at the end. "Hi I'm y/n and I'm four" you said holding up four fingers at the end. You weren't very shy so this was okay for you. "Do you wanna build a really big tower with me?" You said. "Yes because I'm a big boy and you need my help" he said smiling. From then on you guys were best friends.

6th Grade (12-11)
This was the year you started getting bullied really badly by some girls and boys in your classes. You became very depressed and started cutting. You never told Nick because you were scared of his reaction. One day you and Nick were walking to school. You were really scared because of your bullies. "Y/n what's wrong?" Nick said walking over and putting his hands on your shoulders. You guys stopped in your tracks. You tried to avoid eye contact with Nick but failed when he made u look at him. "What's wrong" he said very serious. You just started balling. "They hate me all they do is bully me it's gotten to the point where I I "you said sobbing. "You what!" Nick said. "I cu-ut myself" you said pulling up your sleeve revealing cuts. Nicks face dropped. He pulled you into a hug. "It's all gonna be okay I'm here and I will never leave you". Let's just say they left you alone once Nick was done with them.

9th grade (14-15)
Finally, You were out of middle school. these past 2 years You've realized You have feelings for your best friend, Nick. You don't know if he likes me though. Anyways, Nick and You were at his house. We were laying in the grass looking at the stars. "Umm y/n can I tell you something?" Nick said. "Of course niki what is it?" You said turning to look at him. "Umm I-i like you ALOT" he said still looking at the night sky. "I like you too I didn't think you liked me back " you said. "Really you like me too!?" He said sitting up which you did as well. "Of course I do" you giggling a little bit. "Well will you be my girlfriend then?" He asked. "Of course I will " you said then you guys hugged.

Moving in (18-19)
You and Nick had graduated and decided to move into together. Nick was acting and your singing career just started. So you were doing online college. Nick and you got a apartment in Los Angeles. "Nick was that the last box?" You asked Nick as he walked into your guys new apartment. "Ya" he said smiling. "I can't believe we're doing this! " you said looking around at this room full of boxes. "I can't either" he said putting his arm around you. "I love you" he said looking down at you. "I love you too Niki" you said then leaned up and kissed him.

Proposal (24-25)
Nick was taking you to a very romantic dinner Tonight. You didn't know what the occasion was but oh well. The car ride was silent but not a awkward one a nice silence. You guys finally arrived at the restaurant. You guys had already ordered your food and were talking about your jobs. Nick looked nervous as hell. Then suddenly he stood up.
"Y/n we have know each other almost our whole life and now I know for sure I want to live the rest of it with you you are the love of my life and I love you with all my heart y/n y/m/n y/L/n Will you marry me" Nick said getting down on one knee. You were tearing up by now. "Yes Nick I will I love you so fuckin much" you said jumping into his arms. Everyone in the restaurant cheered and clapped.

~The wedding~
Today was the day. The day your gonna Marry the love of you life. Nick Robinson. You were looking at yourself in the mirror. Thinking "look how far I've come". You looked at your wrists you could still see the scars but you didn't look at them as a bad thing but as a thing that shows how strong you are. You were deep in though when you maid of honor barged in.
"Y/n oh my gosh you looks so beautiful" she said already tearing up. "I can't believe your getting married" she said. You hugged for a long time. Then she had to go because the wedding started. You walked down the aisle and saw you very handsome groom Nick. You hugged your dad and then walked up to Nick. "You look gorgeous" he said. You blushed. "You look very handsome" you said. (I don't exactly know what they say at weddings bc the last one I went to it was in Spanish 😂 so ya) "you may kiss the bride" the paster said. That kiss was the best kiss you guys ever shared. You guys walked down the aisle. Time to enjoy the rest of our lives together.

Kids (28-29) -making up years😂
Eli Michael Robinson
Born at 5:50 am June 22nd 2018
(Oldest boy)
Elliot Suzeth Robinson
Born at 2:30pm December 4th 2020
(Female middle child)
Connor Richard Robinson
Born at 3:00am February 1st 2021
(Youngest boy)
(A/n OMG THIS TOOK ALL MORNING 😂 I hope you guys liked it 💘 love you byeee!!)

Nick Robinson ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora