|Hero| Part 2 |

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I'm so sorry if this is sad.

___ was sitting with Touka. Yomo had asked her not to inform Touka about the raid. It's not like it mattered. She would find out at some point but it was better if she didn't know when it was in process. Touka sighed and looked over at ___. "So, where is Kaneki exactly?" She asked the girl.

She could feel that something was wrong from the way ___ looked. The poor girl looked as if she would break down any minute. "He had something important to take care of."

Touka eyed the packet next the ___. She quickly snatched it before the girl could stop her and started to look through it. "Now I get why you wouldn't let me see! How could Bakaneki leave you all alone at a time like this? Wait till he gets back."

"Touka! Give it back!" ___ tried to get the packet back but Touka was faster and stronger so she failed. "Use my bathroom. Go." Touka said, tossing the packet back. The [H/C] girl huffed as she blushed. She agreed nonetheless and walked to the bathroom.

Once inside she took out the tests. She ripped the packaging open and tried every one of them. She waited for the answer and once she got it, she smiled sadly. Not because her hopes were crushed but because Kaneki wasn't here.

She walked out after disposing off the tests. When she came into the living room she saw Touka angrily stare at the television. Curious, ___ went to see what was on. It was news about the raid. "___, I'm going there." She told her and went to leave but Yomo was standing there.

Touka angrily went past him to leave but before she could, ___ told her she would go too. Kaneki and the employees that remained at Antieku, She thought. Touka and ___ ran as fast as their legs could take them. Touka was faster of course.

It took them a while to get to the 20th ward. When they did, the place looked like a ghost town. They could hear helicopters a bit away.

"Touka.. What if something happened to them?" ___ asked her. Touka turn back and grabbed her shoulders. She shook her as she said, "Don't think that! They would make it!"

The girl nodded at the female ghoul and continued to run towards the cafe.

They could hear it, the fighting. They were close. Kaneki. ___ hoped with all her soul that he would be okay. Of course she care about the others as well but remembering Tina's words, she willed herself to get there on time.

Tell me, would you be hurt if something bad happened to him? For example, if he died, would you be hurt?

Would you want to hurt yourself if he died? Would you want to die?

She ran as fast as she could. Touka stopped to catch her breath as did ___ since she had more trouble running. She put a hand on her stomach, worriedly. Touka looked back at her and shook her head. "You'll be okay, don't worry."

The went through alleyways to stay out of sight. Touka suddenly halted in her steps. ___ stopped behind her and saw what she stopped for. "Send the 4th devision after eyepatch." Said a CCG officer. No.. Kaneki! "Kaneki.." Touka whispered.

Touka turned around and gave the girl a sad look. Why is she looking at me like that? He isn't dead! He's strong, he can defeat the CCG. ___ shook her head. "He's strong, Touka."

They both proceeded to go through the alleyways. Touka stopped again when she heard CCG cheering. Touka leaned against the wall. Her knees felt weak when she found out what the cheering was about. "Touka! You have to stay strong for them!" ___ told her. She tucked her ___ hair behind her ears.

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