Chapter Seventeen: Moving Out

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Stress caused many problems in the human body. Everything from headaches to non existent appetites. And I had every one of them. Headaches, stomachaches, back pains, loss of appetite and anxiety.

I had moved out from Granny's B&B and into our new house. School had started for Mary and I was back to work.

At the moment, I sat at the diner looking at a plate of green lettuce and chicken. I couldn't eat. Wouldn't eat.

Across from me sat an empty plate of what used to be a burger and fries. Emma stood at the counter, paying for the meal and asking for a to-go box. I was worried about Robin and didn't even know where we stood. We hadn't seen each other since I left.

A wave of unbearable anxiety fled over me, making me stand. Tears watered in my eyes as I rushed out of the restaurant and into the street. My heart pounded hard in my chest as shaky hands lifted up to brush my hair back.

"Regina?" Emma's voice rung out as if she was underwater. Hot tears streamed down my cheeks as I shook my head, hiding myself from my co-worker. "Regina." Before I knew what was happening I had been spun around to face the blonde woman standing in front of me. "Oh..." Her voice softened as she carefully lead me down the street. "Let's talk about it okay?"


"So what's your stand point with Robin?" Warm, dark coffee met my lips as I scanned over my schedule for today. One more appointment and then some paperwork. Tomorrow I was fully packed.

"I don't know." I mutter into my coffee, not making eye contact. "I haven't spoken with him since I left the Lake House."

Emma sighed and pulled paper out of a file and restocked the printer. "What's Mary thinking about all of this?" I shook my head and snuggled down even more into my chair.

I ached more than anything to have Robin's hand snaked around my waist or his lips brushed against my skin. To feel his calloused hand wrapped firmly around mind. To come home hearing him practice for his next big debut. To feel loved.

But I lost it.

I figured that Robin had most likely been drinking before I had last spoken to him and that he didn't want to appear weak in front of me. Especially not in that state of mind.

And I wasn't exactly sure why I left. Half of me wanted to get out of there before things got too terribly out of hand and the other... Well, the other I wasn't sure about yet. But one thing was clear.

I could not go crawling back.


My eyes snapped up to meet Emma's. One eyebrow raised over the other as she watched me closely.

"Mary? What have you told her? This isn't the first time something like this has happened to her."

I breathed into the large coffee mug and let the steam hit my face. "We've talked about it. Mostly while unpacking." I explain. "I've put all of Robin's things into a box and gave them to Ruby. Whatever she decides to do with them is up to her. Mary asked what I was doing with the box."

Emma sat forwards, intrigued with my words. "And?" She prods, standing up and grabbing a pen.

"And," I emphasize, taking a long gulp of the beverage I held. "I told her Robin was staying at the Lake for a bit longer before coming back. I had to give the box to Ruby."


"That's it?" Emma slides the pen into her notepad and looks disapprovingly at me.

"What else am I supposed to say?" I bark. "She's seven and I don't even know what Robin will do or say when he gets back! I don't know what I'll do when he gets back!"

My voice bounced off the walls, ripping through the still silence. "I- I'm sorry." I stutter, shaking my head. "I'm just really overwhelmed."

A/n: hey guys! So this chapter was rushed in writing because this is the last time I'll be able to write for a while. It literally took me like 15 minutes. Please just hang in there. I know this isn't my best but I'm working on the final few chapters as well as new chapters for different ideas. Thanks so much!

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