Chapter Sisxteen: Leaving Him

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"Can't do what?" My voice rang out like a siren in the silence that followed Robin's statement. "I know it's a lot to handle. But it'll get better. I promise. I'm here for you and so is your whole family. We'll get through this together ok-"

"No." Robin's voice was cool as it sliced through the air. "I can't do this." Insistent. His eyes lock with mine as he points to himself before me. "This."

A frown appeared on my face as I shook my head in disbelief. "What? I- I don't get it." My voice cracked, making Robin sigh in exasperation.

"Us, Regina. I can't do us right now."

My whole world froze as if I was in the movies. I had put my trust into this man. Given him my life and my love. Dedicated endless time to him. And he was cutting it all off? For what? What had changed his mind?

As if I was a chipmunk, I scrambled to collect the pieces of the moment.

"Wait what? Why not? What has changed? Is it because of John? I've been through this before! Many times. You need someone to lean on. You can't be alone! You've been there for me the whole time. Please let me be here for you." But all the response I got was a shake of the head. "What about Mary?!" I was going into to hysterics now. "What about her? It's not just us. She looks up to you! She trusts you, as do I!"

"Regina please." Robin slurs, standing up. "I can't. Just... Just go home?" His eyes were droopy and he swayed a bit as he moved.

I shook my head over and over again, falling down into a tunnel of hysteria. Reason was not siding with me as I backed up. "How dare you? So what? This is it? You're dropping everything? You're not thinking straight."

No response.

Tears burned the rims of my eyes. Before Robin could speak, I swallowed the pain and rushed back out to where Mary was. I pushed back the pain as I burst into the room we slept in and started packing our things.

Garments flew into bags as I sipped them up. My trembling lip was held tightly between my upper and lower jaw, my teeth digging into the soft skin.

Tears threatened to overflow as I rushed the newly packed bags into the trunk of my car. Before I approached Mary I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Mary baby?" I say as calmly as possible. I walked up behind her and stroked her dark hair. "Will you grab that and get in the car?"

She turned around and frowned. "Why mommy? Where are we going? Is Robin gonna come?" All her questions made my heart ache.

"Well baby we have to go home. It's almost school and I've gotta work. Robin's going to stay here." My voice cracked as I took a deep breath. "Please. Come on let's go."

Mary heard the urgency in my voice which made her get up and grab her book. "Okay mommy." She took my hand and looked up at me. "Mommy?"

I raise my eyebrow as I walk her to the car and help buckle her. I just needed to get away and clear my head. "Yes my love?"

Mary fiddled with her seatbelt and swung her feet. I looked at her as I backed out of the driveway.

"I love you."

A small smile appeared on my face as I nodded. A lump in my throat formed as I wiped my eyes. "I love you too." My voice wavered and cracked.


Mary was asleep in the bed. It was after midnight and I say by a large box, an apple scented candle making the room just bright enough for me to see. My robes pooled around me as my hands trembled before me. I held one of Robin's old shirts as tears streamed down my cheeks. My face contorted as I threw the shirt in the box and blew out the candle, allowing myself to sit in darkness.

What had happened today?

A/n: hey guys! So this chapter was a bit different! Would original Robin do this? No. But I wanted to give a twist at this point in the book. You'll see Robin's reasoning behind it soon enough. It may not be the best but it'll explain things a little more! Please keep reading and comment your opinions! Thanks.

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