Scene 22: Warriors' Final Hours

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Ah, the thrones of our ancestors. The perfect rubble to bury your remains. Prepare yourself for the end, sister dear."


As soon as Starfire had landed, as much as he hated to leave her, Nightwing ignored the main battle. He knew what he had to do. If the War Suit modified cannons were released, things would tip out of their favor. They had to be destroyed, while Blackfire was distracted.

When he entered the doors, for Citadel guards charged him. The first threw his javelin at him, but Nightwing only caught and threw it at its owner's chest. The second charged forward to jab him with his own weapon, but got in close and kicked him into his allies.

"Oracle, you have the palace schematics," said Nightwing over his radio. "I need you to try and locate the War Suit cannons."

That was when loud explosions rocked the building. "I think I found them." There was suppressed sarcasm in her voice. "They're on a wall. There's ten of them."

"Great," muttered Nightwing. "They'll see me coming if I get too close to them. I need an alternative plan."

Oracle was silent for a while, then she said, "There's a lab not far from your location. It's full of a wide variety of inventions. One of them is giving off energy like an electromagnetic pulse. If you can get your hands on it, there's a balcony above the wall those guards are standing on. You can drop the EMP device and disable the cannons."

Nightwing understood, and he knew Oracle's plan would work. With most of the guards engaged in the battle at the courtyard, Nightwing met little resistance. When he got to the lab, he met dozens of green aliens. When they saw him, they back away in fear.

"Nobody move!" Nightwing said to them in a commanding voice. "I'm not here to hurt you. I just need to get something."

Nightwing looked around, using one of his scanners to locate the device Oracle had told him about. Seizing it and placing it on his belt, Nightwing gestured to the aliens. "Thank you for your help," he said, and he left without another word.

"Very nice job," said Oracle, sounding genuinely impressed. "All you have to do is go up another flight of stairs, take a left, and you'll be at the balcony. Then you just have to use that device on the cannons. Good luck. Contact me when this is over. Oracle out."

But Nightwing finally ran into a major problem the moment he made it up the top of the stairs. Opening the door, he saw one of the Citadel aliens, but this one was larger than the rest. He was the one who Nightwing had seen sitting on the Tamaranian throne. He knew who this was.

"Lord Trogaar," he said with completely certainty.

"Infiltrator," said Trogaar contemptuously. "So you are the one who has caused me so much trouble. Your head will make a fine trophy."

Nightwing shook his head. "You won't be taking any more trophies after today. Now is the day has come when your empire starts to come crashing down. The only thing that will complete it is your death, assuming you're stupid enough to fight me."

Trogaar only laughed. "You are the one who is about to. . ."

That was all he got out of his mouth before Nightwing threw an explosive grappling hook. The explosion threw Trogaar off his guard Nightwing jumped over him. "You talk too much," he said to the Citadel leader.

Nightwing made to move for the balcony, but Trogaar got to his feet. "Not so fast. I still have a score to settle. Now fight me!"

Nightwing knew he wouldn't make it to the balcony, not with Trogaar conscious. He would not be able to outrun him. He hated it, but the best way to disable the cannons was to disable Trogaar first.

Starfire: Return to TamaranNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ