I entered Lance's bedroom and saw Lance in bed and he looked like total crap.  The entire left side of his face where my fist had hit him was essentially black from a very bad black and blue bruise.  He also had extensive bandages around his waist where I had broken the ribs on his left side from my kick.  It was clear I really hammered him.

At first Lance just stared at me.  This was the first time he saw me without wearing my fat clothes.

"What do you want, Cole?  I think its really weird that you want to visit me.  Do you want to hit me again?  Go ahead.  I will offer no resistance."

"I just want to talk to you. I feel bad about the way things ended up. You had been pretty open and straight with me and then this happened. I want you to know I had no choice. I had to rescue my girl", I said.

He just studied my face for a while.

"I honestly did not think you had a girlfriend, Cole. Your a bunch of surprises.", he said while looking at my muscles.

"I thought you were fat and had a heart condition.", he continued.  "That's what coach told me. What's all this?", he said pointing at my arms, shoulders, and compact waist.  When I saw you last you were really fat.  What was it that I was looking at?"

"Well, it's something my parents concocted. I was always strong but my parents wanted to hide me as a fat person. They didn't want people to know the real me. They said it would cause problems."

"Why did they do that?"

"I have no clue. I think it was stupid and I hated wearing the costume. It made me sweat like a pig and people avoided me.  I guess thats what my parents wanted.  People to avoid me."

"How do you bulk up your muscles like that?  I lift weights a lot too, but I don't get anything like you have", he asked.

"Actually, I'm not sure. I do exercise a lot but I seem to build strength easier than other athletes. I don't get it either.  It's weird. I think there is a lot of stuff about me that's weird."

With that, Lance chuckled, but I didn't chuckle. This whole subject was something I worried about.

"I know your not going to believe me but I am sorry for what happened to your girl, Amanda Westbrook. That's her name, right", he said.

He paused a little bit while I thought about what he said. 

He then continued. "I would not have sex with a girl unless she was there to have sex. I was told these girls were there for that. You have to understand that the girls that are blacked out drunk from alcohol or from drugs are pretty common at some of these parties. They take funnels of beer or lots of dope and must know where they are headed. They also have smaller body weights than men so they get plastered easier than men.  When they are blacked out its not rare that guys would feel them up or even have sex with them. The same girls return week after week and do it all over again. I guess they are on the pill or something so they don't care. They just want to party.  I would assume if a girl were blacked out that she knew what she was doing and took the chances.  These situations are not all about the men and what they are doing.  They are also about the women and what they are doing.  Most girls that I have sex with, though, are not blacked out.  I think I have only done that once or twice.  I actually don't like it."

"Amanda was not like that!", I exclaimed.  "She does not do drugs and I don't think she drinks either.  She was there at your party because she likes to dance and Tom invited her to dance!  Tom lied to her and drugged her and then had her carried off into the bedrooms to be a virgin for you!  She would never have sex that way.  She's not that kind of girl at all.  I had to save her!"

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