Chapter 2 // Blue eyes

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"Don't you dare give up on me now, you bloody fool!"

Don't you dare give up on me now, you bloody fool. Not now, you bloody fool.

Smack after smack, punch after punch, kick after kick. Bloody girl was weak. She was a waste. She could barely stand up let alone defend herself and in an instant she was on the ground.


Be dead bloody bloke.

"..6..7..8..9..10.. Down! The winner of the finals is Stassi Romaldi!"

The spokesmen slowly walked towards me and grabbed my arm, raising it in the air while people were cheering.

"Stassi! Stassi! Stassi!"

The only time I'd hear my name in joy, was when I won. You wouldn't hear my name in the ring because who gives a damn of you until you're the winner? I watched two girls in short shorts walk towards me and hand me the wrestlers belt.
The only thing I fought for. You'd think I'd fight for myself for pleasure or even for closure? But closure isn't what I aim for while fighting.

I aim for tearing my opponents soul to pieces. Watch how vulnerable they can be when they're torn out of their own comfort. You face me with a strong look, trying to get me to fear you yet you can't stand up right after a punch or two.

I took the belt and stormed out of the ring, walking into the deserted hallway. I turned, smacking into a hard figure. I growled looking up at the bloke who dare tried to walk into me. I met eyes with dark blue eyes. They looked so nice, so innocent yet there was so much hidden in them. They sparkled a bit as they took in my appearance.

He had dark black locks on his head. He was quite tall and well built. Blue eyes rose an eyebrow at me and opened their mouth.

"Watch where you're going lad!"' I yelled, not giving him a chance to speak. I brushed pass him, making sure to hit his shoulders on the way only causing him to not stumble.

That's a first.

"Stassi! That was brilliant! You were brilliant. The way you moved as if you were a predator-"

"Shut up." I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to congratulate you and-"

"Riley, I'll see you tomorrow." I barged right out of the locker room trying to find an exit. I stumbled outside, feeling the cold London air hit me in the face. I walked over to my car, sitting still on my ragged up seats for a brief second. I sighed, laying my head on the steering wheel. I hate myself. I bloody hate myself. Why am I still alive? Why can't I just die and not worry about myself. Every inch of my body reminds me of it. Of the past. The past that I badly want to get rid of but sometimes my mind just won't allow me to forget.

Bloody hell. I felt bad for being rude to Riley. He should know better though. I can't show sentiment. I won't show emotion but that bloody bloke knows that I'd save him in a heart beat and I hate it.

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